Category: From the City Manager’s Desk

San Rafael Police Pink Patch Project

In honor and recognition of the upcoming Breast Cancer Awareness Month of October the San Rafael Police Department and San Rafael Parking Services will be participating in the Pink Patch Project San Rafael.  This is the first year of participation by the San Rafael Police and Parking Services employees and was initiated, in part, as … Continued

National Prescription Drug Take Back Day

On Saturday, October 22 between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. the San Rafael Police Department and the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) will provide the public with another opportunity to prevent pill abuse and theft by ridding their homes of potentially dangerous expired and unwanted prescription drugs.  Bring your medications for disposal to the San Rafael City … Continued

Plan Bay Area Update

On Monday, October 3, the City Council will hear a presentation about how Plan Bay Area relates to San Rafael and the revised employment / household projections that the City recently received from Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) and Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG). Required by SB 375, Plan Bay Area is a long-range, regional … Continued

Quiet Zone Update

At the September 6 City Council meeting, the City Council will consider a request from the City of Novato to apply jointly for a comprehensive Quiet Zone that would stretch from San Rafael through Novato. A Quiet Zone is a defined area of track where the horn is not required to sound (except when entering/leaving a … Continued

Greenwood Avenue Open Space

At the September 6 City Council meeting, the City Council heard an informational report on an offer from the Marin Open Space Trust (MOST) which would dedicate two vacant lots at the end of Greenwood Avenue to the City for permanent open space. At Monday’s City Council meeting, the City Council will consider acceptance of … Continued

Labor Negotiations

At their last meeting, the City Council discussed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) pertaining to compensation and working conditions for the San Rafael Police Mid-Management Association (SRPMMA).  At Monday’s meeting, the City Council will consider approving this MOU. They will also discuss a proposed MOU for the San Rafael Fire Chief Officers’ Association (SRFCOA). Click … Continued

Planning Commission Vacancy

At the September 6 City Council meeting, the City Council will acknowledge Viktoriya Wise, who is resigning from her position on the Planning Commission after seven years of service. Viktoriya is known for her keen ability to listen, understand and weigh diverse public comment in assessing and supporting her decisions on planning projects and her well-reasoned … Continued

Hispanic Heritage Month

Every year, from September 15 to October 15, we celebrate National Hispanic Heritage Month by honoring the histories, traditions and contributions of American citizens whose ancestors came from Latin America and Spain. As a community we welcome all good neighbors and recognize the contributions offered by a rich community tapestry of young and old, male … Continued

Register to Vote!

Election Day is just around the corner. Are you registered to vote? The last day to register is Monday, October 24. You may submit your voter registration application online through the Secretary of State’s website. You can also pick up an application at your county elections office, any Department of Motor Vehicles office, many post … Continued

Transportation Survey

The Transportation Authority of Marin (TAM) wants input from Marin residents, workers and visitors about what people want Marin’s transportation future to look like. This conversation will help inform a long-range vision for transportation priorities in Marin. TAM needs your participation in order to plan for a transportation future in Marin that keeps us all … Continued

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