Snapshot en Español Spotlight Photo West End San Rafael at Sunset Photo Credit: Lidia Que, City Manager’s Office Last Quiz Question Congrats to Joan Herriges for being the first to answer our latest Snapshot Quiz. The art, Regeneration, is located at Arbor park, on the corner of Las Gallinas Avenue and Manuel T. Freitas … Continued
Snapshot en Español Spotlight Photo San Rafael Dia de los Muertos Celebration Photo Credit: Jim Schutz, City Manager Last Quiz Question Congrats to Miguel Sanchez, for being the first to answer our latest Snapshot Quiz. Pickleweed is a prominent plant found in the marsh area near the park, and where our park gets its … Continued
FOTO DE PORTADA Celebración del Día de los Muertos en San Rafael Foto: Jim Schutz, City Manager RESPUESTA Felicidades a Miguel Sánchez, por ser el primero en responder a nuestro último Snapshot Quiz. El “Pickleweed” es una planta prominente que se encuentra en la zona del pantano cerca del parque, ¡y de donde nuestro … Continued
Snapshot en Español Spotlight Photo Volunteers at work on Coastal Cleanup Day! Last Quiz Question Congrats to Miguel Sanchez, for being the first to answer our latest Snapshot Quiz. San Rafael, California’s sister city of “San Rafael del Norte,” is in Nicaragua. Congrats Miguel, and thanks for reading Snapshot. Be sure to check out … Continued
FOTO DE SPOTLIGHT ¡Voluntarios trabajando en el Día de Limpieza de Playas! RESPUESTA Felicitaciones a Miguel Sanchez, por ser el primero en responder a nuestra última pregunta de Snapshot. San Rafael, la ciudad hermana de California “San Rafael del Norte”, está en Nicaragua. Felicitaciones a Miguel y gracias por leer Snapshot. ¡Asegúrese de revisar la … Continued
Snapshot en Español Spotlight Photo Gerstle Park Playground San Rafael’s historic Gerstle Park will serve as a stage at the upcoming Porchfest. We look forward to seeing the picnic areas, playground, and a basketball court filled with event goers. Scroll down for additional information. Last Quiz Question Congrats to Gail Grasso for being the … Continued
Spotlight Photo Snapshot en Español Richmond-San Rafael Bridge taken from the Jean and John Starkweather Shoreline Park PHOTO CREDIT: Louise Yost, Pickleweed Advisory Committee member Last Quiz Question Congrats to Jane Alt for being the first to respond correctly to our last Snapshot Quiz. The question: “Can you identify the portmanteau in this edition of … Continued
Spotlight Photo Snapshot en Español CAPTION: Construction crews removing an underground storage tank from the new right turn lane from Highway 101 northbound on to Second Street. PHOTO CREDIT: Shawn Graf, Assistant Engineer, Department of Public Works Last Quiz Question Congrats to Linda Aldrich for being the first to respond correctly to our mystery photo … Continued
Spotlight Photo CAPTION: Marin County Fair, San Rafael Photo Credit: Walter Gonzalez, City Manager’s Office Last Quiz Question Congrats to Lester Yagoda for being the first to respond correctly to our mystery photo in the last Snapshot Quiz. The photo featured a staircase that is located at the Falkirk Cultural Center in downtown San … Continued
Snapshot – de parte del Gerente de la Ciudad de San Rafael Spotlight Photo CAPTION: Sun Valley Park, San Rafael PHOTO CREDIT: Laura Washburn, Library and Recreation Department Last Quiz Question Congrats to Laurence Sykes for being the first to respond correctly to our mystery photo in the last Snapshot Quiz. The photo featured a … Continued