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Category: Planning

San Rafael Planning is hiring a Senior Planner

View the recruitment flyer The Community Development Department is seeking a full-time Senior Planner to join the Planning team. One of the most critical positions to the City’s Planning Division, the Senior Planner oversees the Community Development Department’s Planning program. The position will be overseeing advanced plan review, developing and researching policies and making important decisions … Continued

Draft General Plan 2040/Downtown Precise Plan EIR available for Review

The Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) for General Plan 2040 and the Downtown San Rafael Precise Plan is now available for public review and comment. The City is providing a 62-day comment period on the document, extending from January 7 to March 9, 2021. The Planning Commission will hold a hearing on the DEIR on … Continued

Priority Development Areas in San Rafael

Should the City continue to pursue a PDA-designation and funding for a PDA planning process for Northgate and Southeast San Rafael/Canal? As part of the on-going work for San Rafael’s General Plan 2040, City staff has received requests for deeper planning efforts in the Canal neighborhood and around the Northgate Mall area. Planning efforts such as these require grant … Continued

Submit your Planning applications online!

In an effort to make more services available online while City Hall is closed to the public, Planning is now taking applications online!   We have prepared guides to help walk you through the process of applying and paying online. After submitting online, staff will review the application to determine the project type, fees, any … Continued

BioMarin/Whistlestop Project in Downtown

At Monday night’s City Council meeting, which starts at 7 p.m., the City Council will consider approving a redevelopment project in Downtown at 999 Third Street. BioMarin is proposing to redevelop a former PG&E site by building two new 70 ft tall office buildings totaling 207,000 square feet, which will be incorporated into their existing … Continued

About the Costco Pre Application and Conceptual Design Review

*This post has been edited to include the scheduled Design Review Board and Planning Commission meeting dates (edit 9/30/2019) Costco has applied for a “Pre Application and Conceptual Design Review” for their proposal to demolish the existing multi story Sears building along with the two out buildings (former Sears catalog building and automotive center building) … Continued

About the Community Development Review Process (Costco Project)

*This post has been edited to include the scheduled public meetings for conceptual design review (edit 9/9/2019)   The information below outlines the steps taken by an applicant in the Community Development Review Process. For more information about the Costco project visit the Project webpage and read our article about the Costco Pre Application and … Continued

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