Access to the internet is necessary for so many facets of our lives including getting news and information, participating in civic life, applying for jobs or unemployment, access to education, and more. Residents in San Rafael do not have equal access to the internet and computers at home. The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated digital equity … Continued
We are partnering with the San Rafael Chamber of Commerce and Downtown Business Improvement District to support our incredible business community as best as possible. Starting next week, the latest Marin County Public Health order will allow outdoor dining and retail based on the following guidelines: Guidelines for retail Guidelines for restaurants To facilitate outdoor dining … Continued
On Monday, the City Council will hear an informational report about a project to increase internet connectivity in the Canal Neighborhood. With the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, including school closures, students and employees need access to reliable internet now more than ever—to complete homework, apply for government assistance, and sign up for food assistance. … Continued
PARA PUBLICACION INMEDIATA 13 marzo, 2020 SAN RAFAEL ANUNCIA CIERRES DE CENTROS COMUNITARIOS Y CANCELACIONES DE EVENTOS HASTA EL 31 DE MARZO DE 2020 SAN RAFAEL, CA- Para mitigar aún más la propagación de COVID-19, también conocido como nuevo Coronavirus, la Ciudad de San Rafael está cerrando centros comunitarios y cancelando todas las clases comunitarias, … Continued
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE March 13th, 2020 SAN RAFAEL ANNOUNCES CLOSURES OF COMMUNITY CENTERS AND EVENT CANCELLATIONS THROUGH MARCH 31st, 2020 SAN RAFAEL, CA- To further mitigate the spread of COVID-19, also known as novel Coronavirus, the City of San Rafael is closing community centers and cancelling all community classes, programs, recreation leagues, and events starting … Continued
To further mitigate the spread of COVID-19 in Marin County, Marin County Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and Marin County Office of Education (MCOE) announced that all public school campuses will suspend classroom instruction to students for at least two weeks beginning March 16. Para mitigar aún más la propagación de COVID-19 en … Continued
PG&E announced Thursday (March 12) that due to the COVID-19 pandemic it has voluntarily implemented a moratorium on service disconnections for non-payment, effective immediately. This suspension will apply to both residential and commercial customers and will remain in effect until further notice. Read the Full Press Release on the PG&E website.
Our Challenge The City of San Rafael implemented O365 a couple of years ago, but with no adoption strategy. Since then, some employees and work groups have explored the applications but for the most part the organization is not leveraging the software to its full potential. Some users are frustrated because of the inconsistent use … Continued
The City of San Rafael has been awarded the League of California Cities’ 2019 Helen Putnam Award for Excellence in internal administration at the October meeting of the League of California Cities for its initiative Together San Rafael. The League presents annual awards in a number of categories. The competition is competitive with only one winner per category. … Continued
Here at the City of San Rafael, it’s no secret that we strive to make San Rafael a great place to work and live. We recently created a visualization tool to display sweeping routes and their schedules to make it easier for you to see what days and timeframes the sweeper will be on your … Continued