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Category: Digital San Rafael

Our first look at analytics

Understanding our current site analytics is a piece of our new content strategy. Although they don’t tell the whole story, they provide insight on what people are looking to do on the current site and how they are getting there. Over the past year, our site had almost 371,382 unique page views and 56.4% exited … Continued

A Scorecard for Public Engagement

If you’re a local-government manager or elected official, by now you’ve probably heard a fair amount about the need for better citizen engagement in government decision-making. You may even have your own success stories about times your city or agency made a special effort to involve community members in policies that affect them. And you … Continued

Done/Doing (#3)

Here’s an update of what we’ve done and what we’re doing next to better serve San Rafael. Done Created design subcommittee to work with local design firm on color palette, image gallery, iconography, typography, and overall look & feel. Identified workflow and process issues to solve with online forms and new digital services, such as … Continued

San Rafael Plans Digital Transformation

This month San Rafael, Calif., has released a beta site along with a new strategy to modernize its digital presence. The Bay Area city just north of San Francisco plans to revitalize its outreach and citizen services with a number of digital upgrades. Read full article on…

Done/Doing (#2)

Here’s an update of what we’ve done and what we’re doing next to better serve San Rafael. Done Developed mission statement for the project: Easy to use online services to make your life better. (And, we decided on a theme song). Started interviewing departments to learn about key programs, services, and common questions. Discovered some … Continued

How San Rafael is re-inventing city digital government

We’ve been quietly launching small cities on the ProudCity platform, but we’re particularly proud of our new partnership with San Rafael, Calif., and the holistic approach they’re taking to changing how government works. Read full article on…

Done/Doing (#1)

Here’s an update of what we’ve done and what we’re doing next to better serve San Rafael. Done Held a project kick-off meeting with implementation team, steering committee, and doughnuts. Everyone is on-board, excited, and on a sugar-high. Connected the implementation team up onto Google Docs for easy collaboration on weekly assignments. Assigned lead and … Continued

Let’s Get Digital, San Rafael!

This week we kicked off our journey to a beautiful new city website; a process to reimagine how residents businesses and visitors engage with San Rafael. This new site will help to lay a key foundation for our community engagement efforts as well as be a home to our expanding digital services. Meet our amazing … Continued

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