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Category: Essential Facilities

Public Safety Center Motorcycle Charging Station

Facilities Division crew members Omar Garcia, Michael Reiser, and Anthoney Heaven built and mounted panels to the new Public Safety Center motorcycle parking garage. This will allow Officers to mount all necessary charging devices within easy reach of their motorcycles.

Public Safety Center – Painting white strips for the steps

Streets crew members Brendan Smith, Trevor Thomas, and Matthew Von Bima were at the new Public Safety Center adding some final touches to the area. This will not only bring a fresh look to the steps, but it will ensure and improve visibility of the steps. The staff were tasked to go around the building … Continued

Fire Station 57 landscaping

The Parks Division and AmeriCorps worked together setting up the landscaping of Fire Station 57. Parks crew member Valente Curiel prepped the area by laying down the fabric layer for the group to start putting down the mulch. With the helping hands of AmeriCorps, we were able to complete the work at Fire Station 57 … Continued

Public Safety Center Tour

San Rafael’s brand-new Public Safety Center is nearing the finish line. Earlier this week, the project team gave the Department Directors and City Manager a tour of the new building. Mayor Gary Phillips was also able to join in. The building has begun occupancy. San Rafael Police started to move in this week and Fire … Continued

Public Safety Center Office Space Modifications

The Facilities team has been sprinting to get various jobs done around the City. The team of three had to jump back into the fray by completing several electrical modifications for the new Public Safety Center in nine office spaces. The existing double gang receptacles were removed, and new junction boxes were installed allowing wiring … Continued

Fire Station 57 Building Speakers Modifications

It has been a hectic few months for the Facility Division. They have been assisting in the move for the Public Safety Center, however, current existing buildings still need attention. For the last few weeks, Omar Garcia, Michael Rieser, and Anthoney Heaven have been taking care of much needed work throughout the City. They are … Continued

Public Safety Center Resurfacing Project

In December 2017, construction commenced for the Measure E-funded Public Safety Center (PSC), a new state-of-the-art facility for police headquarters and public safety services. On August 26, 2020, the City’s PSC achieved final completion. Due to the lengthy construction of the building and the increased demand from fire trucks and heavy vehicles stationed at the … Continued

Public Safety Center – Contractor Achieves Completion

We are very excited to announce that the Public Safety Center Project has achieved substantial completion. On July 1st, the last items required to operate the facility were substantially completed by the contractor, Alten Construction. The surveillance cameras and building security, as well as the heating and air conditioning systems were commissioned and finalized. The … Continued

Shout out to the Facilities Team! – Public Safety Center

Big thanks to our DPW facilities team led by Supervisor Omar Garcia, and his crew Michael Reiser and Anthoney Heaven for their hard work and positive, can-do attitude! The Public Safety Center Project is complete but miscellaneous additions continue to come up to make the building and its surroundings safe and 100% ready for occupancy. … Continued

Safety First: Temporary railing at Public Safety Center

As our Facility staff were inspecting the Public Safety Center, they found two safety risks. They wanted to tackle these issues immediately before anyone got hurt! On the backside of the building, there was a 4 foot drop with no indication of elevation change. We installed temporary railing to ensure safety of our staff and … Continued

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