The CEQA 30-day public review period of this project’s Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration began on May 24th, 2021 and will close on Tuesday, June 22nd, 2021. Electronic copies of these documents can be downloaded by visiting the project webpage. All written comments on the Initial Study must be submitted to the City by Tuesday, June 22nd, … Continued
The CEQA 30-day public review period of this project’s Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration began on May 24th, 2021 and will close on Tuesday, June 22nd, 2021. Electronic copies of these documents can be downloaded by visiting the project webpage. All written comments on the Initial Study must be submitted to the City by Tuesday, June … Continued
Following the completion of significant park improvements in summer 2019 at Pickleweed Park, the playground at the former Spinnaker Point Parking Modifications was removed in anticipation of a project to widen Canal Street/Spinnaker Point Drive and create additional on-street parking. Staff have completed the design of the improvements and continue to work with an environmental … Continued
We were able to increase the on-street parking supply by approximately 24 spaces in East San Rafael. On Thursday August 29th, Bayside Striping and Seal striped on-street angled parking on the on the south side of Bellam Boulevard between Vista del Mar and Playa del Rey and on the west side of Kerner Boulevard south … Continued
Last October, new time limits were established in East San Rafael as part of the short-term strategy identified in the 2017 East San Rafael Parking Study, as a way to increase parking supply and improve parking. Since then, data has been collected on the turnover of parking seen in both the commercial & residential areas. … Continued
After considering the community’s needs and following extensive upgrades to playground equipment located at the nearby Pickleweed Park, the City has decided to re-purpose this area. In the near future, the playground equipment will be removed to accommodate two planned projects as follows: The creation of additional on-street parking, lead by the City, Modifications to the existing … Continued
Last year, City Council supported a 6-month study to evaluate existing East San Rafael parking conditions and better prepare parking solutions the City could implement. The City is first pursuing a short-term strategy of implementing time-limited parking. Following the estimated sign installation timeline, the Department of Public Works Maintenance crews have been hard at work … Continued
In anticipation of the new time-limited parking changes coming to East San Rafael, the City recently sent over 4,000 letters to residents, businesses, and property owners in the area. Public Works spent the past few weeks marking locations of poles that will be installed to hang the new signs associated with the parking changes. These … Continued
To combat over-parking in East San Rafael, the City Council took action in December to create a parking ordinance that allows the city to limit the time allowed for cars to park in this overused area of San Rafael to a maximum of 24 hours. Since that time, staff has been developing the signage and … Continued
On Monday evening, City staff will present an informational report about new parking time limits in the residential and commercial sections of East San Rafael. These new time limits were developed as part of a parking study in East San Rafael, which was prompted in response to concerns relating to parking availability. The first phase … Continued