The evaluation of the T’s and L’s parking markers for both Spinnaker Point and Baypoint Village roadways have been completed. The objective is to maximize the number of vehicle parking spaces with the installation of T’s and L’s pavement markings. This approach would add a net gain of 41 additional parking spaces. The work will … Continued
Construction is almost complete on the Department of Public Works’ Spinnaker Point Parking Modification Project. Our contractor, Michael Paul Co., expects all major construction operations, such as concrete and asphalt, to be complete within the next two weeks. The current forecast shows some rain and cold temperatures ahead. Due to this weather forecast, we have … Continued
Construction is almost complete on the Department of Public Works’ Spinnaker Point Parking Modification project. Our contractor, Michael Paul Co., expects all major construction operations such as concrete and asphalt to be complete within the next two weeks. The current forecast shows some rain and cold temperatures ahead. Due to this weather forecast, we have … Continued
PG&E’s subcontractor, Pinnacle Power Services Inc., will be performing electrical utility work by 46 Castro Ave on Saturday, 1/28 from approximately 10 P.M to 6 A.M. The work requires the power to be turned off in the area so work is happening at night to minimize impacts to the neighboring businesses. The road will not … Continued
Construction for the Spinnaker Point Park Modification project began on Monday, October 10th. The initial construction stages of the project include demolition of the existing sidewalk and grading of the adjacent landscape. Environmental measures have been put in place to protect the local wildlife in accordance with environmental regulatory permits. The project has a projected … Continued
One of the big transportation issues in the Canal neighborhood is the on-street parking supply that can’t keep up with the parking demand. With the help of W-trans, and in collaboration with Parking Services, the area has been studied and assessed for potential improvements. After changing the parking time limits to 24 hours in the … Continued
One of the big transportation issues in the Canal neighborhood is the on-street parking supply that can’t keep up with the parking demand. With the help of W-trans, and in collaboration with Parking Services, the area has been studied and assessed for potential improvements. After changing the parking time limits and getting the ability to … Continued
The CEQA 30-day public review period of this project’s Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration began on May 24th, 2021 and will close on Tuesday, June 22nd, 2021. Electronic copies of these documents can be downloaded by visiting the project webpage. All written comments on the Initial Study must be submitted to the City by Tuesday, June 22nd, … Continued
The CEQA 30-day public review period of this project’s Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration began on May 24th, 2021 and will close on Tuesday, June 22nd, 2021. Electronic copies of these documents can be downloaded by visiting the project webpage. All written comments on the Initial Study must be submitted to the City by Tuesday, June … Continued
Following the completion of significant park improvements in summer 2019 at Pickleweed Park, the playground at the former Spinnaker Point Parking Modifications was removed in anticipation of a project to widen Canal Street/Spinnaker Point Drive and create additional on-street parking. Staff have completed the design of the improvements and continue to work with an environmental … Continued