Category: Canal Neighborhood Pedestrian Safety Improvements

Brighter lights in the Canal

Through several different community processes, DPW has heard loud and clear that the street lighting in the Canal is insufficient. The Canal neighborhood has other challenges, like residents having to park on the street far away from their homes, walking home from the bus stops, and lack of marked bicycle facilities and the insufficient street … Continued

San Rafael forms Canal Community Based Transportation Plan (CBTP)

San Rafael is undergoing a study with the help of Fehr and Peers to complete an assessment of the Canal neighborhood utilizing data and community feedback to better understand the transportation challenges and pinch points in East San Rafael. This study will take about a year to complete. We can use information from this study … Continued

Canal neighborhood pedestrian improvements

The City’s contractor Team Ghilotti, Inc., has completed the accessible curb ramp, sidewalk, curb and gutter and roadway improvements at several locations around the Canal Neighborhood. Team Ghilotti is waiting on long lead electrical equipment including, new streetlights and Rapid Rectangular Flashing Beacons (RRFB) that will be installed at seven locations in the Canal Neighborhood … Continued

Canal Neighborhood Pedestrian Safety Improvements Project – Start on June 2, 2021

Starting Tuesday, June 2, the City’s contractor, Team Ghilotti, will preform various improvements throughout the Canal neighborhood. These improvements are part of the City’s Canal Neighborhood Pedestrian Safety Improvements project, and include ADA upgrades, crosswalks refreshing, and the installation of Rapid Rectangular Flashing Beacons (RRFB’s).  This project will provide RRFB’s at six of the most … Continued

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