On Tuesday, April 19, Castro Avenue from Francisco Boulevard East and Bellam Boulevard will be closed from 3:30 – 5:30 pm for the Fire Station 54 groundbreaking ceremony. NO parking signs will be posted along both sides of Castro Avenue between Francisco Boulevard East and Bellam Boulevard. Only cars of attendees will be allowed to … Continued
Representatives from City of San Rafael, County of Marin, SMART, Caltrans, Safe Routes to School, and the San Rafael School Board met for a field trip to check out the informal connection between Merrydale and the south side of the Civic Center SMART station. Currently, there is a dirt path that would need to be … Continued
The City of San Rafael is pursuing improvements on Grand Avenue from Fourth Street to Second Street to include a protected two-way cycle track and widened sidewalk on the east side of the street. The vehicle travel lanes will stay the same but the angled, on-street parking south of Fourth Street will be eliminated. More … Continued
Embarcadero Way from Marina Court Drive to Sea View Avenue is narrow with a steep drop and does not accommodate two-way traffic very well. There also is no room to pull over to allow another vehicle to pass. In collaboration with the County, the City is collecting volumes on all streets that meet at the … Continued
There is a half-mile gap in the North-South Greenway between Ranch Road and the Puerto Suello Path at the top of Lincoln Avenue. The vision of the North-South Greenway is that is an All Ages and Abilities bicycle facility that takes people to different destinations parallel to the SMART rail line. The City has filled … Continued
San Rafael is undergoing a study with the help of Fehr and Peers to complete an assessment of the Canal neighborhood utilizing data and community feedback to better understand the transportation challenges and pinch points in East San Rafael. This study will take about a year to complete. We can use information from this study … Continued
One of the big transportation issues in the Canal neighborhood is the on-street parking supply that can’t keep up with the parking demand. With the help of W-trans, and in collaboration with Parking Services, the area has been studied and assessed for potential improvements. After changing the parking time limits to 24 hours in the … Continued
The Active Transportation Program is a competitive grant program in California. A previous Cycle funded the recently completed Francisco East Sidewalk Widening. Cycle 6 is doing a call for applications and the City will be applying for the Canal Swing Bridge. This bridge would connect the northwest corner of the Canal to Third Street, near … Continued
The Department of Public Works completed an assessment to make Fourth Street/G Street an all-way stop controlled intersection. This is the intersection on Fourth Street in the West End with Johnny’s Donuts on the southeast corner. STOP signs will be added on Fourth Street at G Street in January, creating an All-way Stop, to better … Continued