Category: Grand Ave Cycle Track
UPDATE: Due to the weather and low temperatures, paving on Grand Ave will begin on Wednesday, 4/17 and Thursday 4/18 during the hours of 8pm and 6pm. The contractor has an active encroachment permit and will be allowing the bus agencies to pass through. The bus agencies have also been notified of the schedule change. … Continued
As part of the 3rd Street Rehabilitation and Highway Safety Improvements Program (HSIP) Projects, the City has installed audible push buttons (APB) to help improve pedestrian safety at crosswalks in Downtown San Rafael. Using the APB is the first step to crossing the street safely. They provide blind and visually impaired users audible information about … Continued
The Grand Avenue Cycle Track Project has been under construction for the past few months. The project aims to introduce a new two-way protected cycle track and sidewalk, along with enhancements to traffic signals, curb ramps, landscaping, and road resurfacing. Ghilotti Bros are slated to begin paving next week, marking the final stages of the … Continued
The Grand Avenue Cycle Track project began construction in December 2023. This project will install a buffered two-way bicycle track, new sidewalk, and other upgrades on the east side of Grand Avenue between 2nd St and 4th St. The traffic impacts from this project have been mitigated by permitting lane closures only between the hours … Continued
Construction Bid Opening: July 27, 2023 Estimated Construction Start: September 2023 The Grand Avenue Cycle Track Project is part of the City’s ongoing efforts to improve connectivity throughout San Rafael and increase safety for bicyclists and pedestrians. A Class IV protected bicycle facility will be installed on Grand Avenue between Second Street and Fourth Street. … Continued
The Grand Avenue Class IV Cycle Track Project will implement a two-way protected bikeway (Class IV) and new sidewalk on the east side of Grand Avenue from Second Street to Fourth Street in San Rafael. This project will also provide a safe and separated bicycle connection for residents and visitors of East San Rafael to … Continued
The City of San Rafael’s Department of Public Works is continuing with its plans of adding a new two-way protected cycle track and widened sidewalk on the east side of Grand Avenue from 2nd Street to 4th Street. On Wednesday, October 19, 2022, City staff met with Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. (City’s design consultant) to … Continued
San Rafael Public Works was successful in getting over $500,000 in grant funding for the Grand Avenue two-way cycle track from Fourth Street to Second Street through TAM and Bay Trail funding sources. The rest of the project will be paid for with Gas Tax and Traffic Mitigation Fees. We have been able to chip … Continued