PG&E will be doing pole replacement work that will require a road closure at 121 Tiburon Blvd. The closure will happen on Monday 11/20 and Tuesday 11/21 from 8am to 5pm. This road closure is in the County unincorporated area, but their traffic control and detour signs will be placed in the City right-of-way. They … Continued
Precision Crane Service, Inc. and Traffic Management will be temporarily closing C St between 3rd St and 4th St to perform a crane lift for a project at 1299 4th St. The road closure will happen Tuesday, 10/17, from approximately 9am to 3pm. They have an approved encroachment permit (EP2306-081), and they have confirmed that … Continued
SAN RAFAEL, CA – October 10, 2023 The City of San Rafael (City) hereby requests proposals for vegetation management services from qualified businesses that are duly registered and licensed with either a C61-D49 or C27-D49 license in the State of California. Services shall include routine tree and vegetation services, Wildfire Fuel reduction services, and Emergency on-call … Continued
West Coast Cranes will be temporarily closing Tamarack Drive between Lenglen Ave and Esmeyer Dr to perform a crane pick for an ADU project. The road closure will happen Thursday, September 7, from approximately 9 A.M. – 12 P.M. They have an approved encroachment permit EP2308-025 and notifications have been provided to affected properties. … Continued
PG&E’s subcontractor, Core Tree Care, will be working in locations listed below. They will be doing vegetation work along PG&E powerlines on Friday 7/21/2023 1200 GRAND AVE 424 MISSION AVE 709 5th Ave 1101 GRAND AVE 520 5th Ave 534 5th Ave 1016 IRWIN ST 1108 Irwin St 1118 IRWIN ST 1818 Irwin St 527 … Continued
Construction Start: April 2023 Estimated Completion: Fall 2024 Work on the San Quentin Pump Station Reconstruction project continues with the wet well and pressure vault of the new pump station. As shown in the pictures, the formwork for the wet well and pressure vault was constructed, allowing for the pouring of concrete. Work in August … Continued
Parks Division staff have been recently working on the annual pruning and cleanup of the medians in Terra Linda. This task involves pruning the many Oleander bushes that grow in the medians. The small Parks Crew supplemented their staff with contracted labor to speed up the process. The pruning is especially important near intersections where … Continued
Every summer, our Streets Division staff clean the wet wells of the City’s 11 storm water pump stations. The wet wells act as a catch basin for sediment and debris before the stormwater is pumped into the canal or bay. Staff use confined space safety equipment, including retrieval gear and air monitoring equipment, to enter … Continued
Road markings are important as they help make the roads safer for pedestrians and drivers as well as ensure that traffic flows smoothly. Over time, these markings can fade and wear out making it difficult for drivers to see. Recently, a double yellow line was added on the curved sections of roadway along Mission St. … Continued
The Department of Public Works Parks Division is integral to maintaining the City. They work tirelessly to maintain the City’s Parks to maximize the enjoyment for San Rafael residents and visitors. They maintain the City’s many roadsides and medians, performing major pruning, weed suppression, and trimming. They play a crucial role in pre-storm preparations in … Continued