On Monday, the Parks department was on Kerner Blvd, weeding and trimming the trees in the medians between Larkspur St and Sonoma St. Parking isn’t allowed on Mondays in the area to allow for street sweeping. The Parks Department utilizes this time when the roadway is open to complete the work. The sweeper comes through … Continued
After the playground area at Parkside Daycare was recently flooded, Parks personnel had to make an emergency repair on the 4” irrigation mainline that feeds water to the Albert Park ballfield. Parks Maintenance division member Matt Scales is shown placing the new valve box over the shut-off valve for the irrigation line.
Road markings are essential to maintain the control of traffic streets and highways. Faded pavement markings can lead to dangerous driving conditions as they diminish visibility and make it harder for motorists to determine the correct driving protocol in certain areas, especially at night. Paint crews have been out repainting faded street markings and legends. To … Continued
Sub-contractor, WK McClellan, will be temporarily closing Highland Ave between Deer Park Ave to complete pavement restoration. The road closure will happen Monday, April 24, from approximately 12 P.M. – 5 P.M. They have an approved encroachment permit EP2211-080 and notifications have been provided to affected properties. Please note that this job has been rescheduled … Continued
Through problem solving, auto mechanics can determine what part(s) need repair or replacement. Having strong problem-solving skills allows mechanics to provide preventative maintenance as well. In the photo below, Garage technician Angel Lopez is shown replacing the water pump assembly on one of our patrol units due to having a fresh and noticeable leak that, … Continued
Through problem solving, auto mechanics can determine what part(s) need repair or replacement. Having strong problem-solving skills allows mechanics to provide preventative maintenance as well. In the photo below, Garage technician Angel Lopez is shown replacing the water pump assembly on one of our patrol units due to having a fresh and noticeable leak that, … Continued
MMWD’s sub-contractor, WK McClellan, will be temporarily closing Highland Ave between Deer Park Ave to complete pavement restoration for a water line leak repair. The road closure will happen Tuesday, May 2nd, from approximately 9 A.M. – 1 P.M. They have an approved encroachment permit EP2211-080 and notifications have been provided to affected properties.
PG&E’s subcontractor, Core Tree Care, will be working in locations listed. They will be doing vegetation work along PG&E powerlines starting Monday 4/24/23 thru Wednesday 4/26/23. 75 MAGNOLIA AVE 890 BELLE AVE 120 GARDEN AVE 238 LINDEN LANE 202 LINDEN LANE 1520 GRAND AVE 21 CONVENT CT 124 CONVENT CT 202 LINDEN LANE 8 … Continued
By: Theo Sanchez, Associate Civil Engineer The San Quentin Pump Station Reconstruction project got underway on April 3, 2023. The project will construct a new, more powerful pump station and demolish the existing pump station that has been in operation for more than 50 years. The contractor, Thompson Builders Corporation, has started installation of a … Continued
New AED cabinets have been installed at the San Rafael community center, Terra Linda community center and Parkside childcare center. The new cabinets allowed the AED devices to be placed in areas which will allow for quicker use when needed.