Category: Maintenance Divisions

Roadside vegetation cleanup work begins

Parks Division staff have started their roadside and median cleanup efforts throughout the City. Most of this work involves weed eating, trimming of hedges and litter removal. It is very important work as it maintains a safe path of travel for pedestrians, line of sight for drivers and reduces fire risks along City roads. In … Continued

Road and curb repair work completed

Streets maintenance staff recently performed a large concrete curb replacement on Ray Ct. The section was hit by a truck which caused it to collapse into the drainage ditch. Staff formed up and poured a new concrete section. Staff will also be repairing the section of asphalt road that has significant “alligator” cracking adjacent to … Continued

Boyd House showroom floor refinish

The most used surface in a museum is the floor. This museum has many rooms that has large amounts of foot traffic.  After a while, this type of traffic from daily tours and visitors can take a toll on the floors finish.  Staff with the Facilities team took on the task of refinishing and re-staining … Continued

New recycling, compost & trash enclosure at Terra Linda Community Center

Recycling has been instrumental in reducing the amount of waste that is being sent to landfills. In addition, recycling and composting have important environmental benefits as well as composting 1) significantly cuts down on the amount of trash in a landfill and 2) composting can help remove carbon from the atmosphere.  With a grant secured … Continued

Please welcome Jody Sanchez to the Parks Division!

Jody Sanchez will be working as a Parks Maintenance Worker I in the Parks Department, helping the crew with their regular maintenance duties.  She joins us after spending the last 7 years with Gardener’s Guild, where they were very sad to see her go.  Jody is excited to join our San Rafael team for the … Continued

Repairs to irrigation systems

In preparation for warmer weather, Parks staff have been checking City park irrigations systems. With continued drought conditions, this remains a very important matter to staff. Staff monitor and receive leak alerts from the EyeOnWater service which allows them to address leaks as soon as possible. With water use restrictions still in place, staff use … Continued

Lincoln Ave. road repairs

Streets division maintenance staff performed road repairs along Lincoln Avenue recently. Staff have identified multiple areas of Lincoln that need repairs and will be performing more work in the area. Common issues seen are “alligator cracking” and some minor sinking. Being Lincoln is a high traffic street, staff make sure the work they perform has … Continued

The useful benefits of having column truck lifts

Column car and truck lifts gives unrestricted under-vehicle access when servicing heavy equipment. Garage technician Angel Lopez is shown safely lifting our chipper truck using our newly purchased mobile column lifts to perform a thorough preventative maintenance inspection. Our column lifts have a total rated lifting capacity of 74,000lbs, which covers in lifting all our … Continued

Park irrigation system repairs and upgrades

Parks Division staff have been making repairs to irrigation systems throughout the City in preparation for the watering season. With some watering restrictions lifted, Parks staff will start irrigating areas that they could not during the stricter conditions. Most of the City’s irrigations systems are beyond their usable life and require constant attention to prevent … Continued

Taking advantage of the sunny weather for needed repair work

The sunny weather has allowed Streets staff members to catch up on much needed maintenance and repairs. In the photo you will see Streets Lead Worker Arturo Tinoco repairing a drainage bubble out that is in the curb. These often become broken over time, usually from being driven over by heavy trucks, which causes them … Continued

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