Category: Maintenance Divisions

Vegetation clean up along the Terra Linda pedestrian easements

Recently, Parks maintenance staff have been working on the Terra Linda Pedestrian easements. These walkways have substantial grass and vegetation that needs clearing a few times a year. Maintenance includes weed eating, trimming bushes and trees and fire hazard mitigation. In the photo you will see Parks Maintenance Worker Jim Dunn weed eating one of … Continued

Merrydale drainage fence replacement

Streets staff members recently replaced a wood fence that blocks a City drainage near Merrydale road. Staff maintain this drainage with annual vegetation removal and check it throughout the rainy season. The fence protects people from accidentally falling into it and protects the drainage from illegal dumping and litter. The new fence is higher and … Continued

Tree planting season is here!

Parks staff have started planting trees associated with the sidewalk repair program along with other tree planting efforts. This year marks the 40th anniversary of San Rafael being a “Tree City” and staff plan to plant a significant number of trees to honor that mark. The winter months are the best time to plant, as … Continued

Repairs on City roads and sidewalks

Tree roots can wreak havoc on sidewalks and roadways. Recently, an area of uplifted roadway was reported to Public Works that a car got stuck on. Public Works staff had to remove the concrete curb and gutter as well as a section of the asphalt roadway to trim the roots. Staff poured new curb and … Continued

The importance of properly functioning lights on vehicles

Taillights play an important role in keeping you and other drivers safe on the road as they provide an important safety aspect to the vehicle or trailer. They allow other vehicles to see the vehicle or trailer in inclement weather. In the photo, Garage technician Angel Lopez is shown replacing the inoperative driver’s side brake … Continued

Albert Park and Pickleweed Park renovations

Parks Division staff have been using the break in the weather to perform field restorations at Albert Park and Pickleweed Park. At the Albert Park ball field, staff re-edged the baselines, rebuilt the mound, set new base plugs, nail dragged the field and added new infield material. They also reset home plate and restored the … Continued

Pump station maintenance

Recently, Streets Supervisor John Shindelus received a callout regarding a malfunction at one of the City’s storm water pump stations. One of the pumps was heard making a loud humming noise and upon arrival, John realized that the pump was jammed and immediately shut the pump down. Occasionally, staff can free jammed pumps by rotating … Continued

Working to keep up with drainage issues

With the significant rains we have received, Streets division staff have been busy responding to drainage issues throughout the City. In the photo, you will streets lead worker Kenny Gatlin along with Maintenance Worker Jeremy Quintal investigating a sink hole near a storm water bubble out. They found the structure was installed improperly, causing water … Continued

39th Annual Arbor Day Tree Planting and Tree Dedication

Each year the Parks Department plants a tree for Arbor Day and although the actual day is in the springtime, the observance of Arbor Day can be done throughout the year.  For the Parks Department, their observance of Arbor Day happens in the fall, when there is more flexibility in their schedule.  This year marks … Continued

Working to keep City drainage systems flowing

During winter months, DPW Streets Maintenance staff are constantly clearing City drainages to maintain the flow of water. Large storms, like the one on October 24th, cause sediment and debris to flow into the systems and can cause potential blockages. Staff clean out these blockages by hand or with a large vacuum truck like you … Continued

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