The flap gates keep water from flowing back into the pump station during high tides. The salt water from the canal can cause corrosion and premature wear to pump station components so it is very important to keep it from flowing in. The City’s 12 stormwater pump stations require frequent inspections to ensure they are … Continued
Regular maintenance of City vehicles helps to keep them in good working condition and saves time as well as money. Basic Inspection of Terminal (BIT) is required by the State of California to be completed every 90 days. The inspection entails in checking the brake adjustment, brake system components, oil leaks, steering and suspension systems, … Continued
Streets Division staff started its yearly dredging of drainage basins throughout the City. This involves a crane and clamming bucket that removes sediment, debris flows, trash, and vegetation in the larger drainages in the City. In the photos you will see City staff along with a crane contractor removing sediment from the retention pond at … Continued
Vegetation that encroaches on walkways can pose hazards as they can force pedestrians to step into the street in order to avoid scrapes or scratches or it can cause a potential tripping hazard. Parks staff Rene Ramos, Alfredo Tellez and Alex Nacaspaca are shown here clearing and cleaning up the sidewalk area along Manuel T … Continued
There’s just something about fresh paint that makes a parking lot look like new. A well-marked parking lot makes it safer for those visiting the library as well as it shows patrons where to park. Members of the Paint and Signs crew added some bike racks and refreshed the striping in the parking lot. The … Continued
Streets division staff recently conducted a cleanup of the ditch located on Freitas Parkway. Pictured in the photo is Streets staff member, Kenny Gatlin, using an excavator to remove the build up from the ditch.
Here the Streets division staff added ladders to an existing crosswalk to make it more visible for drivers and pedestrians. They also added All Way Stop Sign placards to the stop sign poles. Streets division staff also added ladders to D Street and Via Sessi to increase visibility of the crosswalk. Members of the Streets … Continued
Parks division staff have been busy working on pruning medians. In these photos they are cutting back the shrubs along the Devon Drive median. Pictured below are Camilo Bayot and Rene Ramos pruning the medians:
The Department of Public Works recently acquired a new 2021 Xtreme Leaf Vacuum for our Maintenance divisions. The leaf vacuum is a versatile tool that can be used to aid in picking up dried grass clippings, leaves or dirt from sidewalks and parks quickly and effectively. The leaf vacuum will mainly be used for picking … Continued
To keep vehicles running at their best, it is important to keep up with routine maintenance as well as inspections and safety checks. The Vehicle Maintenance staff does a great job of keeping on top of these necessary repairs to ensure City vehicles remain safe and in good operating condition. In the photo, Garage tech … Continued