Category: Public Works

Street Resurfacing Operations Resuming 10/31 – 11/6

Paving operations will resume today, October 31, on Hoag Street. Canal Street is scheduled to be resurfaced from tomorrow, November 1 to Wednesday, November 6. Please make sure you observe all temporary parking restrictions during construction.

October 28th, 2019 Public Safety Power Shutoff Update – Re-Energization

PG&E has notified us that they have started the process of inspecting their infrastructure throughout Marin County at 6:00am this morning. While we are hopeful that power will be restored in Marin County as soon as possible, the process of inspecting power lines and fixing any damage from the wind before re-energization takes time.  In … Continued

Street Resurfacing Completed in October 2019

The City’s contractor, Ghilotti Bros., Inc., has placed over 2,700 tons of hot mix asphalt in the last month as part of the City’s CIP Street Resurfacing project. That’s almost 150 truckloads of asphalt! They are off to a great start with 5,500 tons left to pave this year. Next week, Ghilotti Bros. will grind … Continued

Installation of V-Ditch on 70 Irwin Street

In January 2017, the City of San Rafael experienced a significant storm event resulting in a landslide at 70 Irwin Street. This landslide affected the entire roadway of Irwin Street, resulting in its closure to the public in the spring of 2017 due to safety concerns. The City’s contractor, Valentine Corporation, was awarded with a … Continued

Collaboration! A Success Story About Working with the County to Install an All Way Stop at a Five-Legged Intersection

The City of San Rafael and the County of Marin jurisdiction boundaries meet at the five-legged intersection of Highland Avenue/Deer Park Avenue/Summit Avenue up above Dominican University. It was a free-for-all; some approaches were yield-controlled, and others were free (uncontrolled). The City received inquiries from residents who wrote in requesting the Traffic Division look into … Continued

Arbor Day

This year’s Arbor Day event was held on October 22nd at Oleander Park in Terra Linda. This was the 37th annual event to maintain our “Tree City USA” membership. Many were in attendance, including service contractors, Community Services & Public Works staff, and members from the Town of Tiburon. Mark Wright honored the late Parks … Continued

Fire Station 57 – Grand Opening

Save the date! Fire Station 57 is having its grand opening on Tuesday, November 19, 2019. Fire Station 57 joins Fire Station 52 as our newest Measure E funded safety facility. Passed by the voters of San Rafael in 2013, Measure E provides funding to upgrade and replace the City’s essential facilities. Construction commenced in … Continued

What You Need to Know: Potential PG&E Power Shutoff

Prepare Now Pacific Gas & Electric Company (PG&E) has notified the County of Marin that it may activate its Public Safety Power Shutoff (PSPS) protocols in response to a high wind event and Red Flag Warning. At 7:30am this morning, PG&E said it could potentially initiate a planned power shutoff in parts of Marin County … Continued

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