Category: Public Works

Falkirk Mansion Re-roof completed

The Falkirk Mansion re-roof is complete. The contractor was able to complete the project a few days early and it was a good thing they did, as the last bout of rain started the day after they finished. Although the exact wood shake shingles were not replaced in-kind due to Fire Code requirements, the fiberglass … Continued

Grand Avenue Bridge Nearing Completion

The contractor has completed the majority of concrete work on the project with only minor sidewalk work remaining. Next steps on the project include asphalt work within the Toyota Marin parking lot, as well as, on the north side of the canal where the City purchased the former Marin Motors parcel. During the second week … Continued

Essential Facilities: Fire Station 52 Ready for Service!

After over two years of anticipation, and more than a decade in the making, we are all very excited to present this facility to the public. It was a joyous occasion for the San Rafael residents, city officials and firefighters that attended Fire Station 52 grand opening and dedication ceremony. Mayor Phillips and Fire Chief … Continued

SMART: Larkspur Extension MUP Phase One

The MUP Phase-1 is nearly completed. The last phase is to install the SMART tracks next to the MUP before they close-in the security fence between the MUP and the tracks. SMART anticipates completing the track installation in the first or second week of June. Once that is completed, they will be able to finish … Continued

Forbes Avenue – Sewer Improvement Project

The San Rafael Sanitation District will be advertising the Forbes Avenue Sewer Improvement Project, which includes El Cerrito Avenue and 21 to 141 Fairhills Drive, on May 13, 2019. The project consists of replacing close to 3,000 lineal feet of sanitary sewer pipeline. The Engineers will perform a Public Outreach Meeting at the project site … Continued

Stop Signs take Over Yield Signs

The first STOP sign appeared in 1915 in Detroit, Michigan. There were a variety of colors used for STOP signs until the late 1920s, when the background color was standardized on yellow for maximum day and night visibility. Remember that this was several years before the invention of glass-bead retro-reflectorization for sign faces, so a … Continued

Cayes Pump Station Repairs

The Cayes Pump Station is a small drainage pump station that manages the drainage in the Spinnaker and Baypoint neighborhoods in the Canal. This pump station also manages the water levels in the adjacent pond which fronts both neighborhoods. Over the last winter, which was wetter than normal, a significant leak in the pipe outfall … Continued

Stop! In the Name of Love

UPDATE: After hearing concerns from our residents, the Traffic Engineering division completed an analysis for an All Way STOP at Merrydale Road and US 101 South Ramps and got approval from Caltrans to do the work. Streets Maintenance Crews painted STOP legends and limit lines, refreshed striping, and installed STOP signs and advanced warning signs. … Continued

6 Utility Boxes are Getting Painted in Downtown San Rafael!

**We are currently not accepting applications to paint utility boxes but will re-evaluate as budgeting and policy changes. Please check back here for any future updates.** You might have noticed some painting of public property downtown this week. Don’t worry, these street artists have a permit! The 2019 San Rafael Leadership Institute (SRLI) class project … Continued

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