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Category: Public Works

Pickleweed Park

Toward the end of the month, the Parks Division knocked out a comprehensive clean-up around the entire front of the Al Boro Community Center in Pickleweed Park.  Here you can see the crew focused on trimming the roses along the front and knocking down the weeds.  

Canal Striping Project

Bid advertised: January 25, 2024  Submission deadline: February 20, 2024  The City recently advertised our Canal Striping Project on BidExpress. The project objective is to remove conflicting striping and install new striping, including red curb, yellow curb, and parking Ts and Ls on various streets in the Canal neighborhood. This project is still being advertised … Continued

Road Closure Notification – 528 4th St – 2/12

Wildcat Engineering will be conducting work at 528 4th St to install a new fire line from the main in the street to the building. Work will start Monday 2/12 and last about two weeks. They will close the road periodically within those two weeks starting Tuesday, 2/13. Approved working hours are from 9am to … Continued

Core Tree Care work notification 2/12 – 2/17

PG&E’s subcontractor, Core Tree Care, will be working at the locations listed below. This work will be done the week of 2/12-2/17. Public inquires can be addressed by the contractor: John Ball, Core Tree Care 559-944-9459.   Core Tree Care 02/12-02/17/2024 LOT Street City 150 3RD STREET San Rafael 2158 4TH ST San Rafael 2214 … Continued

Core Tree Care work notification 2/05 to 2/10

PG&E’s subcontractor, Core Tree Care, will be working at the locations listed below. This work will be done the week of 2/05-2/10. Public inquires can be addressed by the contractor: John Ball, Core Tree Care 559-944-9459.   LOT Street City 150 3RD STREET SAN RAFAEL 2130 4TH ST SAN RAFAEL 2138 4TH ST SAN RAFAEL … Continued

Core Tree Care work notification – 1/29 – 2/3

PG&E’s subcontractor, Core Tree Care, will be working at the locations listed below. This work will be done the week of 1/29-2/03. Public inquires can be addressed by the contractor: John Ball, Core Tree Care 559-944-9459. LOT Street City 150 3rd Street San Rafael 2138 4TH ST San Rafael 2130 4TH ST San Rafael 2144 … Continued

Update on Terra Linda Fuel Tanker Incident

Under the direction of Marin County Environmental Health and Hazardous Material specialists, City of San Rafael Fire, Police, and Public Works staff continue the response and clean-up efforts following Tuesday morning’s fuel tanker incident. In addition, professional environmental contract crews are working to mitigate environmental impacts and supporting ongoing clean-up efforts. Clean-up will be an ongoing effort and … Continued

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