Category: Public Works

SMART: Andersen Drive Update

SMART’s contracting team continues to make progress on Andersen Dr. A team of contractors are simultaneously working to install portions of the multi-use pathway near the railroad crossing, traffic signal infrastructure, and earthwork preparatory to the new railroad tracks being installed. The contracting team is diligently scheduling the phasing of work at the intersection of … Continued

5/7/18 – #TamalpaisBikeLane – tell us what you think!

Bike to Work Week encourages commuters and others to get out of their car and use a bicycle to get to and from their work. Safe paths for bicyclists are essential to make riding a real possibility for commuters. The City will conduct a one week pilot project from May 7 to 11 to coincide with Bike … Continued

5/3/18 – Francisco Boulevard West Multi-Use Pathway

Also on Monday evening, the City Council will consider using $850,000 in granted bike path funds to purchase steel components to be used to build the multi-use path that will parallel the SMART Larkspur Extension rail line at its crossing near Francisco Boulevard West. The multi-use path will provide a dedicated space for pedestrians, bicyclists, … Continued

4/25/18 – Fire Station 57 Update March 2018

Project Update: During the month of March, Alten Construction mobilized material and equipment and began installation of CMU at the perimeter and interior building walls. The installation of UG MEP elements (including deep interior and Apparatus Bay trough drain aspects) was completed. Delivery, staging, and set up of CMU material and equipment continued during the … Continued

4/25/18 – Fire Station 52 Update March 2018

Project Update: During the month of March, Alten Construction continued work on the Fire Station Building and the Training Classroom. The Training Tower foundation work initiated with anchor pier delivery, installation and successful pull-testing. Tower footing rebar installation was ongoing at the end of the period. At the Fire Station Building, the CMU block was … Continued

Public Safety Center | March 2018 Update – Pumping Rain Water

During the month of March, the weather turned for the worst raining constantly pushing the site to its limits forcing the team to act quickly. An additional baker tanks was brought to the site and the purchase of pumps was required to help contain the rain water on site. The pumps had to be placed … Continued

4/23/18 – Get Ready! Pilot Bike Lane Coming to Tamalpais Ave!

Bike to Work Week encourages commuters and others to get out of their car and use a bicycle to get to and from their work. Safe paths for bicyclists are essential to make riding a real possibility for commuters. The City will conduct a one week pilot project from May 7 to 11 to coincide with Bike … Continued

4/16/18 – Engineering Design Services for the Jean and John Starkweather Shoreline Park Bathroom Upgrade – Request for Proposal

The City of San Rafael (City) hereby requests proposals from qualified consultants for the design of a rehabilitation of an existing bathroom located at the Jean and John Starkweather Shoreline Park. The final product sought is construction contract documents including cost-effective design options, plans, specifications, and cost estimates ready for bid. Proposals shall be submitted … Continued

4/12/18 – Pilot Bike Lane on Tamalpais Avenue

We’re always looking for ways to make San Rafael more bike-friendly. On Monday night, the City Council will hear about a pilot project to create a “cycle track” on Tamalpais Avenue during Bike to Work Week, May 7 to 11. During that week, we will convert Tamalpais Avenue to a one-way street and create a … Continued

4/16/18 – Street Resurfacing

Also on Monday evening, the City Council will consider awarding a $1.5 million street resurfacing contract to Team Ghilotti and a $100K agreement with Park Engineering for associated inspection services. The staff report outlines which streets will be repaved. Additional neighborhood outreach will be conducted closer to the time of the projects. Read the staff … Continued

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