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Category: Public Works

New garbage can installation along 4th Street

Parks Lead Worker Matt Scales is pictured installing one of 50 new garbage cans on Fourth St. Upgrading 50 garbage cans was a collaborative effort years in the making.  Sustainability Coordinator Cory Bytof spearheaded the project, working with the Parks Department and Marin Sanitary to find a modern, sustainable garbage can.  These new, efficiently designed cans … Continued

Vegetation pruning along Freitas Parkway medians

The Parks Department can be seen cutting the eastbound side of Freitas Pkwy.  The Freitas Pkwy median, along with the medians along Las Gallinas and Las Colindas, constitute the ‘Big 3’ of summer pruning projects for the Parks Department.

Spinnaker Point median rejuvenation

Recently, the Parks Department was able to fit in a Spinnaker Point project on to their list of projects to be completed around the City. The rejuvenation of a small road median in the neighborhood helps to improve the aesthetic and ecological function(s) of the median.  The residents of Hingham Cove were pleased with the … Continued

Las Colindas Road median vegetation pruning

Trimming and pruning is beneficial to both trees and shrubs in more than one way. It helps to improve and maintain the overall health of vegetation by removing dead or dying branches and it also improves the appearance of plants and trees. Here we see members of the Parks Division working along the Las Colindas … Continued

Needed facelift for road striping

Road markings help to reduce road accidents, controls traffic and obstructions to ensure safe driving and they also support safe pedestrian crossing.  Here we see Streets Division crew member Jeremy Quintal utilizing the ride-a-long striping machine to install a new double yellow line(it was previously a single line with less visibility). This new addition will … Continued

Andersen Dr. Bike Lane update

Protected bike lanes help to reduce bike-related intersection accidents and help to keep bike riders safe.  The bike lane located on Andersen Dr. southbound approaching the SMART tracks has been updated with buffer space, delineators, and additional “bike must exit” ground signage.

Temporary Road Closure – 108 Courtright Road – August 3, 9AM

PG&E contractors will be temporarily closing a road to replace a power pole and overhead transformer by 108 Courtright Road. This is an approximate one day road closure along Courtright road beginning August 3, 2022 at 9 am. Please refer to map above for the exact location of the closure. Work is being performed under … Continued

Wilhelm: 48hr Notice of Tree Work MONDAY 8/1/2022 – FRIDAY 8/5/2022

Wilhelm tree crews will be working in locations listed. They will be doing vegetation work along PG&E powerlines starting Monday 8/1/22 thru Friday 8/5/22. Public inquires can be addressed by the contractor: WILHELM LLC (707) 708-2932 50 ACACIA AVE 33 BAYO VISTA WAY 49 BAYO VISTA WAY 8 BRADCLIFF CT 8 BRADCLIFF CT 453 BRET … Continued

Third Street Improvement Project – 7/29/2022 weekly update

The City of San Rafael will be sending out weekly project updates with construction updates, traffic closure updates, and other relevant information for this project. To receive these updates, please sign up using the form at the left-hand side of the project website. THIS WEEK (July 25 – 29): Continued nightwork for the water main … Continued

Temporary lane closure on 7/27/2022 – 1340 4th Street

MMWD will be doing an asphalt plug at 1340 4th Street to improve the condition of the area prior to the bike race on 7/30/2022. This will result in the temporary closure of the westbound lane on Fourth Street between C Street and D Street. Work will begin on 7/27/2022 at approximately 7 am and … Continued

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