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Category: Public Works

Fire Stations 54 & 55 project update

Contact:         A. Fabiola Guillen, Sr. Project Manager – Public Works Construction continues at the two fire stations. At Fire Station 54, Wickman Development and Construction, construction is well underway with wall framing and the concrete placement of the elevator tower.  The work was successfully completed last Thursday.  This is a critical milestone that will … Continued

Vehicle maintenance ASE Blue Seal of Excellence recognition

Recently, the Vehicle Maintenance Division received its Blue Seal of Excellence from the National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence (ASE). To receive this recognition, 75% of the technicians performing diagnosis and repairs in the shop must be ASE certified. ASE is an independent non-profit organization that has worked to improve the quality of vehicle repair … Continued

Refreshing the crosswalks in Terra Linda

Recently, staff refreshed and added ladders to the cross walks for better visibility at the intersection of Freitas and Del Ganado. Staff applied thermoplastic which typically lasts five years compared to the one-year lifespan of the latex paints that were used in the past. In the photos you will see streets lead worker Tyler Nord … Continued

Wilhelm: 48 Hour Notice of Tree Work MONDAY 06/27/2022 – FRIDAY 07/01/2022

Wilhelm tree crews will be working in locations listed. They will be doing vegetation work along PG&E powerlines starting Monday 6/27/2022 through Friday 7/01/22. Public inquires can be addressed by the contractor: WILHELM LLC (707) 708-2932 612 BAMBOO TER 638 BARBERRY LN 16 BOLANOS DR 8 BRADCLIFF CT 8 BRADCLIFF CT 453 BRET HARTE RD … Continued

Third Street Improvement Project – 6/24/2022 weekly update

The City of San Rafael will be sending out weekly project updates with construction updates, traffic closure updates, and other relevant information for this project. To receive these updates, please sign up using the form at the left-hand side of the project website. THIS WEEK (June 20 – June 24): Continued nightwork for the water … Continued

Sun Valley Park Community Outreach meeting

On the morning of Saturday, June 18th a community outreach meeting was held at Sun Valley Park.  Dozens of residents showed up with their families to participate in the survey and share their thoughts on the upcoming playground improvement project.  Residents were able to vote on several different options including color scheme, accessory play equipment, … Continued

Bungalow Ave project update

Construction on the lower Bungalow Ave. section from Woodland Ave. to Picnic Ave has started this week.  This project will extend the current width of the roadway, while removing steep gutters, improving the overall safety of the street.  This area will be closed to traffic during work hours Monday – Friday from 7AM – 5PM.  … Continued

Working to mitigate potential fire hazards

As we enter fire season, clearing the City’s roadsides of flashy dry fuels becomes extremely important. Parks staff have been clearing known areas as well as areas brought to our attention by the public. In the photos, you will see an area on Fairhills Drive being cleared by Parks maintenance worker Jody Sanchez. The area … Continued

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