Category: Public Works

City Council approves Third Street Rehabilitation Project

The Third Street Rehabilitation project went to the City Council on February 7, 2022, for the award of construction agreement with Ghilotti Bros. Inc., in the amount of $20,800,000. The project is a joint venture between the City of San Rafael, the San Rafael Sanitation District, and the Marin Municipal Water District. The Third Street … Continued

Construction of Fire Stations 54 & 55 is underway!

The City issued Notice to Proceed with construction to Wickman Development and Construction on January 10, 2022. Since then, Wickman, our General Contractor, has prepared the two project sites for construction.  Perimeter fences, safety notices, and field offices were installed. Wickman’s demolition subcontractor mobilized into Fire Station 54, located at 46 Castro Ave.   The living quarters at Fire Station 54 have been … Continued

Tree planting season is here!

Parks staff have started planting trees associated with the sidewalk repair program along with other tree planting efforts. This year marks the 40th anniversary of San Rafael being a “Tree City” and staff plan to plant a significant number of trees to honor that mark. The winter months are the best time to plant, as … Continued

Repairs on City roads and sidewalks

Tree roots can wreak havoc on sidewalks and roadways. Recently, an area of uplifted roadway was reported to Public Works that a car got stuck on. Public Works staff had to remove the concrete curb and gutter as well as a section of the asphalt roadway to trim the roots. Staff poured new curb and … Continued

The importance of properly functioning lights on vehicles

Taillights play an important role in keeping you and other drivers safe on the road as they provide an important safety aspect to the vehicle or trailer. They allow other vehicles to see the vehicle or trailer in inclement weather. In the photo, Garage technician Angel Lopez is shown replacing the inoperative driver’s side brake … Continued

Parking time limit changes on Fourth Street from Grand to Union

The City of San Rafael is pursuing improvements on Grand Avenue from Fourth Street to Second Street to include a protected two-way cycle track and widened sidewalk on the east side of the street. The vehicle travel lanes will stay the same but the angled, on-street parking south of Fourth Street will be eliminated. More … Continued

Embarcadero One-Way Study

Embarcadero Way from Marina Court Drive to Sea View Avenue is narrow with a steep drop and does not accommodate two-way traffic very well. There also is no room to pull over to allow another vehicle to pass. In collaboration with the County, the City is collecting volumes on all streets that meet at the … Continued

Transportation Planning Updates – North – South Greenway Gap Closure

There is a half-mile gap in the North-South Greenway between Ranch Road and the Puerto Suello Path at the top of Lincoln Avenue. The vision of the North-South Greenway is that is an All Ages and Abilities bicycle facility that takes people to different destinations parallel to the SMART rail line. The City has filled … Continued

San Rafael forms Canal Community Based Transportation Plan (CBTP)

San Rafael is undergoing a study with the help of Fehr and Peers to complete an assessment of the Canal neighborhood utilizing data and community feedback to better understand the transportation challenges and pinch points in East San Rafael. This study will take about a year to complete. We can use information from this study … Continued

Canal Neighborhood Parking Study

One of the big transportation issues in the Canal neighborhood is the on-street parking supply that can’t keep up with the parking demand. With the help of W-trans, and in collaboration with Parking Services, the area has been studied and assessed for potential improvements. After changing the parking time limits to 24 hours in the … Continued

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