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Category: Public Works

SMART: Riparian Enhancement Project – Night work from 12/20 to 12/21

There will be night work occurring at Second Street at Tamalpais Ave/Francisco Blvd W on 12/16 – 12/17 during the hours of 8 PM – 4 AM. The contractor is working on behalf of SMART. SMART is performing riparian enhancement project along the San Rafael creek area. Their contractor Hanford ARC will be doing the … Continued

Wilhelm: Notice of Tree Work from 12/13 to 12/17

Tree work on behalf of PG&E will be happening in the locations indicated below starting Monday, December 13 through Friday, December 17. Various CA MUTCD Temporary traffic control plans will be in use based on the roads. 301 Highland Ave 1425 Grand Ave 12 Marin St 453 Bret Harte Rd Public inquires can be addressed … Continued

San Rafael Sanitation District Prospect Drive Sewer Improvement Project

NOTICE TO LOCAL RESIDENTS & PROPERTY OWNERS  10- Day Notice Road Closure  SAN RAFAEL SANITATION DISTRICT PROSPECT DRIVE SEWER IMPROVEMENT PROJECT  The San Rafael Sanitation District has awarded Westland Contractors, Inc. a contract to repair the sanitary sewer main serving your property. The project will involve trenching and working in the public right-of-way to perform … Continued

Albert J. Boro Community Center water leak repair completed

Recently, the Facilities Department was dispatched to the Albert J. Boro Community Center to help locate a water line leak. Facilities Dept staff were busy crawling underneath the building to locate the leak, which was later located underneath the surrounding sidewalk. During our hunt, we discovered a copper water line was bent and compromised in … Continued

Pedestrian improvements at SMART crossings

Recently, SMART organized their largest field meeting since the start of the pandemic! Representatives from SMART, the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC), consultants, and San Rafael Department of Public Works met to discuss improvements to the pedestrian crossings at Mission Avenue, Pacheco Street, and Paloma Avenue. Sidewalks will be modified, and fences will be added … Continued

39th Annual Arbor Day Tree Planting and Tree Dedication

Each year the Parks Department plants a tree for Arbor Day and although the actual day is in the springtime, the observance of Arbor Day can be done throughout the year.  For the Parks Department, their observance of Arbor Day happens in the fall, when there is more flexibility in their schedule.  This year marks … Continued

Working to keep City drainage systems flowing

During winter months, DPW Streets Maintenance staff are constantly clearing City drainages to maintain the flow of water. Large storms, like the one on October 24th, cause sediment and debris to flow into the systems and can cause potential blockages. Staff clean out these blockages by hand or with a large vacuum truck like you … Continued

Essential Facilities – Fire Station 55 Temporary Station

Contact:         Faby Guillen-Urfer / Sr. Project Manager – Public Works With the approval of the construction contract for Fire Stations 54 and 55 Renovation by Council in October, we have been extremely busy preparing the two sites for construction next January. Staff from Station 54 will be relocated from 46 Castro Ave. to Stations … Continued

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