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Category: Public Works

Southern Heights Bridge Replacement: Approaching completion

Project completion is fast approaching for the Southern Heights Bridge Replacement construction project with all the major components now in place. Minor items such as paving, bridge lighting, tree planting, street fencing, and other items have also been recently completed. This will be a major milestone for a project that has been in the works … Continued

Wilhelm: Notice of Tree Work 12/6/2021 thru Friday 12/10/2021

Wilhelm tree crews are slated to work along PG&E powerlines at the following locations in your jurisdictions starting Monday12/06/21 thru Friday 12/10/21.   301 HIGHLAND AVENUE SAN RAFAEL 1425 GRAND AVE SAN RAFAEL 50 UPPER FREMONT | AT 50 FREMONT RD SAN RAFAEL 340 D ST SAN RAFAEL 12 MARIN ST SAN RAFAEL 0 QUARRY … Continued

Bungalow and Woodland Ave: Project update 12-6-2021

Project Engineer: JC Agcaoili Work has begun on the concrete replacement taking place along the Bungalow Ave loop.  A large stretch of concrete along Bungalow from Picnic Ave to La Loma has already been removed, replaced, and reopened.   The eastern intersection of McCoy has also already been removed, replaced, and will be reopened at the … Continued

Harbor Bridge Project delayed

Caltrans has been working round the clock to complete the 101 Central San Rafael Offramp project, the main exit from the south into San Rafael.  Caltrans has completed half of the new structure and vehicles entering the City now have three full lanes to gain access.  For much of the summer, there was only two … Continued

Third Street Rehabilitation project goes out to bid

The Third Street Rehabilitation project is currently out to bid soliciting for a contractor to work on the construction phase of this project. The Department of Public Works is anticipating the project will be at the February 7th City Council meeting for the construction award. Construction for the Rehabilitation Project is anticipated to begin around … Continued

Upper Toyon Road Closure on December 3, 2021

MASSA CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, INC. BUILDING & ENGINEERING CONTRACTOR P.O. Box 150097, SAN RAFAEL, CA 94915 L 177 UPPER TOYON POOL RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT NOTICE OF TEMPORARY ROAD CLOSURE START DATE IS DECEMBER 3 AT 10:00 AM TO 1:00 PM Massa Construction Co., Inc. will be pouring concrete for the pool project which will require closing the … Continued

Multiple Road Closures for tree work from 11/29 to 12/01

On Monday, November 29 through Wednesday, December 1, there will be tree work on behalf of PG&E happening in the locations indicated below. Temporary traffic controls will be in place based on the roads of each location using CA MUTCD temporary traffic control plans.  Please observe all traffic controls, directional signals, and traverse with caution. … Continued

Encroachment Permit Team: Working together with the public

Matthew Pepin, PE, Associate Civil Engineer Megan Kelly, Junior Engineer Jason Madayag, Permit Program Coordinator Matthew Von Bima, Street Maintenance Worker The encroachment permit process has been revamped over the last three months to give the public and the general contractors a much-improved local government experience with improved tracking and several efficiencies. Thanks to the … Continued

B St. Culvert Replacement Project: Construction postponed until March 2022

The Department of Public Works is postponing construction work that will affect traffic and parking on B Street near the intersection of Woodland Avenue, Bayview Street, and Taylor Street. The project is postponed due to the large storm that hit San Rafael in October. It has been decided that the culvert remain open to avoid … Continued

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