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Category: Public Works

Sidewalk Repair Program update

Program Manager – JC Agcaoili As several of the residents who signed up for the initial Pilot Sidewalk Program know, it has taken longer than anticipated due to the overwhelming interest of property owners to partner with the City to improve accessibility throughout the city. We understand that while the City teamed with local contractor … Continued

Bungalow and Woodland Ave project update

To minimize disruption to our local schools, paving along Woodland Ave is projected to take place over the Winter Break starting Dec. 20th.  Woodland Ave. Weather permitting, paving will begin that Monday and is expected to finish before the holidays that weekend.  In the same week, we also plan to pave the section of Bungalow Ave from Woodland Ave to Picnic Ave.  This section … Continued

Diesel smoke testing for heavy fleet

In the photo, Garage technician James Arieta is performing the annual diesel smoke opacity test using our newly purchased wireless opacity meter. The smoke opacity meter is an instrument that measures the optical properties of the diesel exhaust. In California, the periodic smoke inspection program requires the owner of California-based heavy truck fleets to perform annual … Continued

Fourth Street traffic signal timing

The Traffic Engineering division continues to adjust signal timing in downtown San Rafael. We changed the cycle length on Fourth Street from 90 seconds to 75 seconds so we can serve each direction and each mode (cars, bikes, pedestrians) more frequently. Below are time-space diagrams for Fourth Street in the morning and evening. The goal … Continued

Pedestrian volumes at Fourth Street and B Street

And the numbers are in! The traffic engineering division utilized data from the Miovision cameras downtown and found that Thursdays were the most popular day to attend Dining Under the Lights (DUTL), during the summer and when school was back in session. Pictured is a visual of pedestrian volumes at Fourth Street/B Street from Wednesday … Continued

Grand Ave Cycle Track

San Rafael Public Works was successful in getting over $500,000 in grant funding for the Grand Avenue two-way cycle track from Fourth Street to Second Street through TAM and Bay Trail funding sources. The rest of the project will be paid for with Gas Tax and Traffic Mitigation Fees. We have been able to chip … Continued

Highland Ave – Road Closed Local Access Only (11/11 to 11/12)

From Thursday, November 11 to Friday, November 12, Treemasters, will be trimming and removing trees for safety reasons on Highland Avenue. Work will last two days and will commence between the hours of 9 am through 5 pm. Please drive with caution and follow all posted directional signals. No through traffic will be allowed – … Continued

ROAD CLOSURE: Fifth Avenue between B and C St

On Friday, November 12, the AC Marriott Hotel construction team will be having their crane removed from the construction site. This will require a closure of both lanes on Fifth Avenue between B Street and C Street. The road will be closed from 7 am to 4 pm. Detours are in place and traffic delays … Continued

Bungalow Ave and Woodland Ave project update

Project Engineer: JC Agcaoili Construction is continuing along on our Bungalow and Woodland Ave resurfacing project.  We’d like to thank everyone for your patience as we continue to place new, ADA compliant curb ramps along Woodland Ave.  The recent rains did present some challenges to our construction crews as they are having to clear out … Continued

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