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Category: Public Works

Francisco Blvd resurfacing project

The City’s contractor Ghilotti Construction Company is working on the resurfacing of Francisco Boulevard East between Vivian Street and Grand Avenue. They have been working diligently around the inclement weather and anticipate returning the road to regular operation by the end of week. The manholes will be adjusted for a smoother finished surface next week … Continued

US-101 NB Central San Rafael off-ramp bridge replacement (CalTrans)

Caltrans and their contract Gordan N Ball have removed the temporary bridge that was placed on the 101NB Central San Rafael offramp and returned the third lane of traffic to operation. They are still working on the fourth lane that will be a dedicated right turn pocket onto Second Street.

Rainstorm soaks City of San Rafael

Recently, the Bay Area saw a historic storm pass through the area on Sunday, October 24th. San Rafael received over 8 inches of rain in a 24-hour period along with strong gusty winds and a storm surge that caused a predicted 5.6ft tide to swell to a 6.9ft observed height. San Rafael saw significant flooding … Continued

Road closures for Marin Endurance Festival (10/30 to 10/31)

On Saturday, October 30 and Sunday, October 31, Point San Pedro Road between Main Drive and China Camp will be closed from 8:30 am to approximately 1:30 pm for the Marin Endurance Festival. Detours will be in place. Motorists are advised to drive with caution and follow all posted traffic signals. For questions and concerns, … Continued

Full Ramp Closure RESCHEDULED for US-101 Central San Rafael (10/30 – 10/31)

Last week, the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) was scheduled to fully close the 101 Northbound Central San Rafael exit for the full weekend for work on the 101 NB Central San Rafael Off-Ramp Bridge Replacement project. Due to weather conditions, they had to shorten the closure. Subsequently, to complete the remaining work, Caltrans will … Continued

REMINDER: STARTING TOMORROW (10/22 – 10/25) – full weekend full off-ramp closure for NB US 101 Central San Rafael

REMINDER: The California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) will begin the second 55-hour weekend closure for the 101 NB Central San Rafael Off-Ramp Bridge Replacement project. Due to weather conditions, the closure times have now changed. The closure will start on Friday, October 22 at 7 pm and reopen on Monday, October 25 at 5 am. Please note: these dates … Continued

CalTrans is planning a Freitas Parkway offramp re-do

The Caltrans engineering team is working to relocate the bus stop at the northbound Freitas Parkway offramp to make it safer and ADA accessible.  As a part of the project, they are proposing to improve the intersection of Freitas Parkway, Civic Center Drive and Old Redwood Highway by installing a round-about there.  This exciting change … Continued

Sidewalk Repair Program

Program Manager: JC Agcaoili Since the beginning of 2020, the Sidewalk Repair Program has been making its way through the Peacock Gap neighborhood.  Today, in October 2021, we are excited to be finishing up the last of the properties that signed up in this area.  In the 20-month time span, Van Midde Concrete has repaired … Continued

Bungalow Ave and Woodland Ave resurfacing project update

Construction began on October 6th for the Bungalow Ave and Woodland Ave Resurfacing Project.  Thank you to our neighbors for your patience as improvements are continually made.   Currently Ghilotti Bros Inc. is working on curb ramps all along Woodland Ave and a sidewalk gap closure on Bungalow Ave. Over the next few weeks, weather permitting, … Continued

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