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Category: Public Works

Essential Facilities – Fire Station 54 & 55 Renovation – Starting in 2022!

Contact:         Faby Guillen-Urfer / Sr. Project Manager – Public Works We are very excited to announce that on Monday, October 18, Council authorized us to move forward with construction of Fire Station 54 & 55.  Council was extremely supportive of the project and enthusiastic to continue with the City’s essential facilities upgrades. The lowest responsive bidder and approved contractor is Wickman Development and Construction.  Their base bid amount is approximately … Continued

B St. culvert replacement project – construction contract awarded

The B St Culvert Replacement Project was advertised on Sept 17th and bids were opened on Oct 7th. Maggiora & Ghilotti, Inc. was found to be the lowest responsible and responsive bidder. On Oct 18th, City Council awarded the construction contract to Maggiora & Ghilotti, Inc. Construction is estimated to start in November 2021.  More … Continued

Fire Station 57 apparatus bay improvements

To help firefighters hear dispatchers better and with less distortion, Facilities team members Michael Rieser and Anthoney Heaven assisted with the installation of new acoustic panels at Fire Station 57. The installation of these panels will help reduce the echo noise in the apparatus bay area

Storage container removal from City Hall lower parking lot

The Facilities and Garage Division supervisors Omar Garcia and Gerardo Paredes assisted in the coordination of removing several large storage containers that were located in the lower parking lot of City Hall.  Originally, the containers were being utilized by the Police Department, but since their relocation to the Public Safety Center, they no longer have … Continued

City Hall conference room addition

Online meetings have become popular in recent times. It helps businesses to conduct video conferences, online meeting and even webinars. Recently, a request was made to have a television hung in the City Hall conference room located on the first floor. This conference room has not been updated since 2016 Facilities crew installed the tv … Continued

The importance of fleet vehicle maintenance

When it comes to ensuring the safety of drivers and integrity of City vehicles, preventative maintenance is the best way to reduce and even avoid vehicle breakdowns. In the photo below, Garage technician Angel Lopez is shown replacing the driver’s side drive axle shaft on one of our patrol vehicles (the axle shaft is a … Continued

Spinnaker Point Dr. median project

Earlier in the year, the maintenance crews were asked to remove the ivy in the medians in order to reduce nesting spots for rats and other rodents.  Last week, the Parks Department placed down weed blocker fabric and covered the area in wood chips.  In the photos, Parks Staff members Jose Tellez and Jorge Hernandez … Continued

Traffic signal safety measures put into place

To increase safety at traffic lights during power outages or Public Safety Power Shut Offs, Public Works sign crew members Arturo Tinoco & Tyler Nord, have recently started installing reflective tape around the signal heads. When the signals go dark, vehicle headlights will reflect from the tape making them aware of the upcoming intersection. They … Continued

Francisco Blvd East Resurfacing Construction Commences

The long awaited resurfacing of Francisco Boulevard East from Grand Avenue to Vivian Street has commenced. The City’s contractor Ghilotti Construction Company started preparatory work for the Francisco Boulevard Resurfacing Project on Wednesday, October 13th and will be switching to nightwork on Monday, October 18th. The resurfacing of the roadway will take approximately two weeks … Continued

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