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Category: Public Works

Southern Heights Bridge replacement – Construction update

We’re approaching the tail end of the Southern Height Bridge Replacement construction project that started in December 2020. The primary bridge structure has been completed but several items of work remain including timber fencing, paving, bridge lighting, new road signage, and other items. As part of the project, several eucalyptus trees were cut to a … Continued

Helping to keep park users safe – Installing park safety measures

In preparation for the upcoming Bunya tree pinecone growth, Facilities Department staff, Omar Garcia, Anthoney Heaven and Michael Rieser constructed temporary fencing around trees located at the Falkirk Cultural Center, Boyd Park and Gerstle Park. These fences will serve as a barrier to protect the public from the potential hazard of large falling pinecones.  

Pickleweed Child Care building cover addition

San Rafael’s Pickleweed childcare buildings have areas between the units that are used for much needed secured storage and space for small activities. Up until now, these areas have been covered with suspended small tarp and this has not provided much protection from the elements, such as harsh sun and rain. The staff in the Facilities Department have set out to … Continued

CPR and First Aid training for DPW and Sanitation District staff

The Fire Department assisted Public Works and Sanitation District maintenance staff with CPR and “Stop the Bleed” training in the past few weeks. In the photos, you see Facilities Maintenance workers Michael Rieser and Anthoney Heaven practicing CPR chest compressions and learning how to apply a tourniquet. We would like to thank the Fire Departments … Continued

Pump station flap gate maintenance

The flap gates keep water from flowing back into the pump station during high tides. The salt water from the canal can cause corrosion and premature wear to pump station components so it is very important to keep it from flowing in.  The City’s 12 stormwater pump stations require frequent inspections to ensure they are … Continued

REMINDER: Upcoming northbound US 101 Central San Rafael full weekend full off-ramp closure (10/22 – 10/25) and City Council meeting presentation TONIGHT (10/4)

REMINDER: The California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) will begin the second 55-hour weekend closure for the 101 NB Central San Rafael Off-Ramp Bridge Replacement project. The closure will start on Friday, October 22 at 10 pm and reopen on Monday, October 25 at 5 am.* During this closure, Caltrans will be constructing the approach slabs for the … Continued

Pt. San Pedro & Loch Lomond-Lochinvar Resurfacing – 9/30 and 10/1

On Thursday, September 30, and Friday, October 1, from 7 am to 4 pm, Ghilotti Construction Company, the contractor for the Loch Lomond development, will resurface the Point San Pedro Road & Loch Lomond-Lochinvar intersection. Point San Pedro Road will go down to one lane in each direction and the intersection will be in red … Continued

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