Category: Public Works

Tree work along PG&E powerlines to begin 6/21/2021

On Monday, June 21, contractor Wilhelm LLC, will be preforming tree work on behalf of PG&E. Tree crews will be working along PG&E powerlines at the following locations: 18 BLOSSOM DR 8 BRET HARTE LANE 83 BRET HARTE RD 270 BRET HARTE RD 424 BRET HARTE RD 200 BRET HARTE ROAD 453 BRET HARTE ROAD … Continued

Perimeter fence installation at Pickleweed Park Playground

Many Canal area residents have requested that the City look into fencing the playground area at Pickleweed Park. Thanks to a Community Development Block Grant, the City was able to procure a fencing contractor to install a 4-foot vinyl-coated fence around the perimeter of the playground. The installation began on Monday, June 14th with most … Continued

Addition of a left-turn pocket on southbound D Street to Second Street

In the morning of this Thursday and Friday, June 17 and 18, Public Works maintenance crews will be making modifications to intersection of Second Street and D Street. A left turn pocket is being added to provide more queuing space for cars making their way southbound on D Street. Two on-street parking spaces are being … Continued

CableCom to preform work at Elizabeth Way from Ridgewood Drive and Forbes Ave

Starting tomorrow, Tuesday June 15, to Friday, June 18, CableCom will preform work on Elizabeth Way from Ridgewood Drive and Forbes Ave. There will be no street closures and roads are expected to maintain fully accessible to traffic. Please see enclosed map for work area. For any questions and inquiries, please contact project manager, Tonya … Continued

Ongoing large equipment maintenance

The Vehicle maintenance division plays a critical part in DPWs street sweeping operations. Sweepers are used daily and have many complex moving parts and systems that require constant attention. From the vacuum systems, sweeper brooms, auxiliary hydraulics, and dust control to the complex electrical system that controls and monitors, the vehicle maintenance staff have their … Continued

Finishing touches completed on Robert Dollar Dr.

This past week, the Streets Division staff put some finishing touches up on Robert Dollar Dr. The gate to the fire road was moved down closer to the roadway and large boulders were installed to eliminate parking areas which are frequented by vehicles playing loud music and other mischievous activities that are a nuisance to … Continued

Taking advantage of a teachable moment

The other day, a woman who commutes to San Rafael to teach a fourth-grade class phoned in to voice her frustration about Third St./Lindaro St. traffic signal going into flash and about the CalTrans off-ramp project. I phoned her back to help provide some explanations about her frustrations. She then put me on speaker phone … Continued

Third Street Progression

Prior to Fall 2020, Central San Rafael did not have detection at most of the intersections downtown. This meant that the traffic signals operated on a pre-timed schedule. Pre-timing is based on traffic volumes collected on one “typical” day and a team of engineers develops timing plans for the weekday morning, midday, and evening peaks … Continued

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