Category: Public Works

Second Street railroad crossing safety improvements

As part of the Francisco Blvd West Multi-use Pathway project, Francisco Blvd West between 2nd Street and Rice Drive was converted to a one-way southbound street. In doing so, the northbound right turn lane onto 2nd Street was eliminated as one measure to reduce the number of vehicles stopping on the railroad tracks. Additionally, the … Continued

Honorary Dean Allison exit letter from Sophie Martinez

While I was not fortunate to have known Mr. Allison, I had heard of what he meant to the City as the Public Works Director. Enthusiastic. Dedicated. Dean Allison built strong relationships and cared immensely for both his employees and the public. Having the opportunity to learn about Public Works under his name as the … Continued

Routine Tree Services – Request for Proposals (CLOSED)

The City of San Rafael hereby requests proposals for on-call tree services from a qualified tree maintenance business that is duly registered and licensed with either a C61-D49 or C27-D49 license in the State of California. Services shall include routine tree services as required by the Public Works Operations and Maintenance Manager at various City … Continued

Previous Parking Services office gets a facelift

The Facilities team was asked to return the former Parking Services office to its original open space configuration. In order to accomplish this, three walls totaling over 40 ft. needed to be removed. Electrical switches were relocated from the wall that was removed and the wall area where the previous walls stood were also repaired. New ceiling … Continued

Tamper proof safety covers installed downtown at Fourth St and D St.

Facilities team staff Omar Garcia and Anthoney Heaven disconnected four electrical outlets at the corners in the intersection of Fourth St and D St and installed tamper proof covers. This was done to prevent both unsafe tampering and unlawful loitering in the downtown area.  

New striping for bike connection on Francisco Boulevard East at Grange Ave

Francisco Boulevard East is an important connection between the Richmond-San Rafael bridge and the Sir Francis Drake Flyover to Larkspur and is used by many bicyclists. The Richmond-San Rafael bridge is expected to reach their 100,000th bike rider in January! Together, the City of San Rafael, the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC), and the Bay Area … Continued

Third Street crosswalk at San Rafael High School project

Construction is moving along for the new signalized crossing on Third Street at San Rafael High School. The south (shopping center) side is complete and the driveway for the delivery trucks is open. The north (school) side is nearly complete. The last phase is the median, which the contractor broke ground on Tuesday January 5. … Continued

Citywide winter leaf clean up

Streets and Parks Division crews have made a concerted effort to pick up as much of the fallen leaves as possible along City streets. Sometimes it seems like a losing battle as it takes some time for the leaves to stop falling! Different types of equipment are used to aid workers such as rakes and … Continued

New electric vehicle added to the Parking Enforcement fleet

Garage Division staff picked up a new electric vehicle that will be used as a Parking Enforcement buggy. We anticipate these vehicles will be more reliable and cost effective than the vehicles that have previously been used. Here you see mechanic Jay Arieta securing the vehicle for transport back to DPW to be retrofitted for … Continued

Work to keep the City clean & safe

Along with assisting the Streets Division with storm preparation, the Parks Division continues with regular maintenance throughout the City. Here we see Parks Division Mechanic Jim O’Hagan painting over graffiti on a wall along the Puerto Suello bike path. Any type of derogatory or gang related graffiti is removed immediately as graffiti in this area … Continued

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