Category: Public Works

Second Street and Irwin Street retaining wall rebuild

City contractor Maggiora and Ghilotti Inc. recently rebuilt the small timber lagged retaining wall on the Northwest corner of Second Street and Irwin Street that had been damaged. This small project took place over a period of three nights and the City will be reimbursed for the repair work.             … Continued

Progress on the Third Street – San Rafael High School crosswalk

The concrete has been poured on the south (Montecito Shopping Center) side of Third Street and the contractor is moving on to the north side of Third Street! The south side was the most complicated, given existing utilities for all the development on that side. Construction should go quicker on the north side and in … Continued

Continued winter storm preparation with the help of sunny weather

The sunny weather has allowed DPW crews to catch up on winter prep. They have made a concerted effort recently to address the autumn/winter leaf fall as well as clearing out some of the major storm water outlets. In the photo you will see Streets Lead Worker Kenny Gatlin clearing cat tails from an outlet … Continued

Park playgrounds to remain open

Playgrounds may remain open to facilitate physically distanced personal health and wellness through outdoor exercise.  Playgrounds located on schools that remain open for in-person instruction, and not accessible by the general public, may remain open and must follow guidance for schools and school-based programs.    

Pickleweed Park field restoration

Parks Division has been busy assisting the Streets Division with winter prep as well as handling many other projects. Along with trying to keep up with the autumn/winter leaf fall in the parks, they recently did some restoration work to the Pickleweed field. This included aerating, fertilizing, seeding, top dressing and dragging. In the photo … Continued

Tree damaged roadway repair

Local City contractor Maggiora-Ghilotti repaired a section of roadway this week at the intersection of D St and 2nd St. A portion of the concrete roadway was buckled in multiple locations due to damage caused by large tree roots. This was causing multiple humps in the roadway and was a safety concern for vehicle control … Continued

Jacoby Street Quiet Zone

The Jacoby Street rail crossing was not included in phase 1 or 2 of San Rafael’s Quiet Zone implementation because the crossing was a private crossing at the end of the line and by Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) rules quiet zones cannot begin or end at a private crossing.  The City asked SMART to close … Continued

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