Category: Public Works

San Rafael applies for FEMA Pre-Disaster Mitigation Grant for Fire Station 54

Last week Public Works submitted a major grant for the reconstruction of Fire Station 54 under FEMA’s new Building Resilient Infrastructure Communities (BRIC) Program. If successfully awarded funds through the BRIC grant program, the City would receive $4.1m in federal funds, with a $1.4m local match, for the $5.5m Fire Station reconstruction. The project qualifies … Continued

Public Safety Center body camera charging station

The new Police Station located in the Public Safety Center was in need of a proper charging station for their body cameras. The Facilities team was able to repurpose extra unused shelving pieces that match the existing cabinet and used previously used shelving to build an upper recessed cabinet. Facilities Division crew members Omar Garcia, Michael Reiser and Anthoney Heaven worked to complete this project and … Continued

Northbound Andersen Drive to Francisco Blvd West Re-Striping

Andersen Drive got a little facelift earlier this week. The lanes were restriped, and green was added to the conflict zones to improve the experience for bicycles and vehicles. Below is northbound Andersen Drive approaching Francisco Boulevard West.    

Storm water catch basin and headwalls clean out

The Streets Division, with assistance from Parks Division staff, continues to clean out the storm water catch basins and headwalls. This work will continue into the rainy season to ensure stormwater flows through the City to the bay.                               

Private landslide at Meyer Road

In a stroke of bad timing, a private water line created a small landslide at Meyer Road.  Meyer connects to Southern Heights Bridge and the slide will impact our ability to construct the bridge.  In order to keep the bridge project on schedule, City staff jumped into action.  Here you will see Streets Supervisors John … Continued

Puerto Suello Bike Path clean up

In order to ensure a safe passage for pedestrians and cyclists and maintain vegetation overgrowth, the Parks Division gave some needed attention to the Puerto Suello Bike Path. Here you see Parks Lead worker Matt Scales finishing up some landscape work along the path. Earlier this month, Parks Mechanic Jim O’Hagan cleaned up some graffiti … Continued

Routine DPW dump truck maintenance

In preparation for the upcoming winter season, the Parks and Streets crews have been busy cleaning out storms drains around the city.  As a result, the DPW dump trucks have been getting a lot of use as well as accruing miles. Here you see Garage tech Jay Arieta performing the first Lube Oil Filter (LOF) … Continued

Debris clean up underneath Highway 101 viaduct

DPW maintenance worker Matt Gaehwiler, along with a contracted labor crew, cleaned areas underneath the Highway 101 viaduct. This area has been littered with trash and debris the past couple months due to homeless residents that have vacated the area. SRPD received a consent letter from CalTrans to enter their property and clean up the … Continued

North San Pedro Road and Merrydale Road striping

North San Pedro Road between Merrydale Road and the SMART Railroad crossing recently received fresh striping. The centerline and lane lines were restriped, and a striped island was added to further separate the two directions of travel. The City is working with SMART to review this area for additional improvements.    

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