Category: Public Works

Gearing up for the winter weather season

The Parks and Streets Divisions have been busy cleaning catch basins in preparation for the rainy season. In the photos, you see Parks Maintenance Worker Valente Curiel cleaning out one of the catch basins that is full of leaves, debris and soil. The Parks and Streets Divisions have also been very busy cleaning up illegal … Continued

Caltrans proposes roundabout for 101NB Freitas Parkway and Civic Center Dr. Exit

Caltrans is planning to improve the intersection of the 101 Freeway northbound exit at Freitas Parkway and Civic Center Drive/Redwood Highway to relocate the Golden Gate Transit bus stop and make pedestrian access much safer and more efficient.  Caltrans has proposed two alternatives, one a signalized intersection and the other, a round-about.  The City plans … Continued

Francisco Blvd East Project completed – Vivian to Medway

The City’s contractor on Francisco Blvd East has made significant progress over the past several weeks by completing the installation of storm drainpipe between Vivian and Harbor Streets. The new sidewalk has been installed in multiple stretches, including Vivian to Medway and Hoag to Harbor. The contractor’s electrician has installed foundations and underground conduit for … Continued

PG&E Nightwork – 11/13/2020 – 11/14/2020

Work is scheduled to start on Friday, November 13 at 9 PM and continue until Saturday, November 14 around noon. The scheduled work is located on Merrydale Rd at Las Gallinas Ave and north of El Prado Ave. The work will be large transmission pole replacement, which will require power shutoffs. The timing is limited … Continued

Reopening of the City parks!

As of Monday, October 19th all City park bathrooms have been reopened. Bathrooms will be cleaned on a Monday and Friday schedule by Public Works and as needed. Since October 7th, all playgrounds have also been reopened with specific guidelines. A lot of effort has gone into implementing these State guidelines for parks with collaboration and assistance from the Library … Continued

Homeless encampments clean-up

DPW staff have played a huge part in assisting the Police Rangers with clearing homeless encampments in the City. With the new full time and part time Police Rangers in place, DPW maintenance crews are assisting them on almost a weekly basis with encampment cleanups. Both the Parks and Streets Division assist in this and … Continued

San Rafael High School crosswalk construction set to begin!

Construction for the San Rafael High School crosswalk begins Monday October 26! This crosswalk is being installed about 350 feet east of Third Street/Union Street. It will come with a pedestrian hybrid beacon that will be dark unless a pedestrian activates the button to cross. Pedestrians will cross in two phases and this beacon will … Continued

The shift into the Winter Mode Maintenance Schedule

The Streets and Parks Division recently went into their winter zoning schedule. There are 8 maintenance zones in the City which two maintenance staff members are assigned. Using a GIS based app, they go through all the storm water catch basins (and there are many!) and headwalls cleaning out debris such as leaves, trash and … Continued

Arbor Day Tree Planting Ceremony

The Parks Division been very busy the last couple weeks. They have been working hard to finish up regular maintenance before most of crew joins with the Streets Dept crew for winter zoning. They have also been busy preparing for a big Arbor Day tree planting ceremony that occurred over the weekend. Volunteers planted 100 … Continued

Helping to keep equipment in working order

PD is the Vehicle Maintenance divisions #1 customer. It is crucial that these vehicles are kept in top condition for safety. In the photo below, you will see Garage tech Angel Lopez replacing a broken ballistic panel in the door of one of the City’s police cruisers. Due to the constant opening and closing of … Continued

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