Category: Public Works

Public Safety Center Motorcycle Charging Station

Facilities Division crew members Omar Garcia, Michael Reiser, and Anthoney Heaven built and mounted panels to the new Public Safety Center motorcycle parking garage. This will allow Officers to mount all necessary charging devices within easy reach of their motorcycles.

Diane Dillon retiring after 35yrs of service!

Diane Dillion, Senior Associate Engineer, is retiring after 35 years of service to the City of San Rafael Public Works Department. In her role, Diane oversees citywide Encroachment Permitting (any construction work in the right of way) including approvals and inspections, as well as implementation and participation in the mandated Marin County Stormwater Pollution Prevention … Continued

Fifth Avenue New Signage Placements

Throughout the City, our staff have been working hard to update and maintain the marking and signage on the roadways. Recently, our striping contractor has been updating the crosswalks and other various striping along Fifth Avenue to make them safer for pedestrians and visible for motorists. Paint isn’t the only thing that helps with visibility … Continued

Public Safety Center – Painting white strips for the steps

Streets crew members Brendan Smith, Trevor Thomas, and Matthew Von Bima were at the new Public Safety Center adding some final touches to the area. This will not only bring a fresh look to the steps, but it will ensure and improve visibility of the steps. The staff were tasked to go around the building … Continued

Kerner Boulevard Drainage Clearing

Arturo Tinoco and Kenny Gaitlin worked with and oversaw Ad-Lite clamming services to remove debris from the Kerner Boulevard ditch. The project happened over the course of three (3) days, and team removed more than 20 tons of vegetation and garbage from the drainage channel. During this time of the year, our crews inspect all … Continued

Fire Station 57 landscaping

The Parks Division and AmeriCorps worked together setting up the landscaping of Fire Station 57. Parks crew member Valente Curiel prepped the area by laying down the fabric layer for the group to start putting down the mulch. With the helping hands of AmeriCorps, we were able to complete the work at Fire Station 57 … Continued

Freitas Parkway Vegetation Management

The Parks Division is responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of the vegetation along the drainage ditch on Freitas Parkway. When the crews are ready to get to work, they follow the necessary safety protocols by setting up necessary traffic control in the area early in the morning before they commence work. The crews trimmed … Continued

Terra Linda Pool water maintenance

The Parks Division does not only deal with vegetation issues. Parks crew member Jim O’Hagan assists with checking the water quality of the pool. Jim regularly goes to the Terra Linda Community Center to check the pool’s sanitation balance and verify that the water is circulating properly. If there are any issues, Jim will correct … Continued

Francisco Blvd East Sidewalk Project

Construction has started on Francisco Blvd East from Vivian to Grand Avenue. The City has coordinated with the San Rafael Sanitation District to complete a much-anticipated sidewalk widening project with a sewer replacement project. We are taking advantage of the decrease in traffic volume during the COVID pandemic to do construction during the day for … Continued

Parks Department cuts Contracts, stretches staff to save City money

When the City was looking at furloughs and budget cuts for FY 2020-21, the Parks Division revaluated their contracted support and offered to take two major contracted services in-house for this fiscal year: maintenance of the citywide parkettes and the Puerto Suello Bike Path. Together, cutting these two contracts and performing the work with our … Continued

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