Category: Public Works

Fire Station 57 Building Speakers Modifications

It has been a hectic few months for the Facility Division. They have been assisting in the move for the Public Safety Center, however, current existing buildings still need attention. For the last few weeks, Omar Garcia, Michael Rieser, and Anthoney Heaven have been taking care of much needed work throughout the City. They are … Continued

Sidewalk Repair Program Resumes Full Work Schedule

The Sidewalk Repair Program resumed work in East San Rafael in early June. Since then, the City’s contractor, Van Midde and Son Concrete have completed sidewalks at another 30 locations on San Marino and Riviera Dr with an additional 70 properties scheduled in the neighborhood. Work will continue on Riviera Dr and start heading back … Continued

Notice of Downtown Construction Activities: D Street and Via Sessi

The Department of Public Works and ERA Construction are planning to resurface the pavement on D Street and Via Sessi as part of the Public Safety Center Resurfacing project and in preparation for the opening on the City’s new Public Safety Center in August. WHAT: D Street will be closed to ALL vehicle travel, while … Continued

Sidewalk Repair Program resumes work in East San Rafael

The Sidewalk Repair Program resumed work in East San Rafael in early June. Since then, the City’s contractor, Van Midde and Son Concrete have completed sidewalks at another 20 locations on San Marino and Riviera Dr with an additional 50 properties scheduled in the neighborhood. Work on Riviera Dr. will continue and will start heading … Continued

C Street Boring Underway

Many positive changes are taking place in downtown San Rafael. The City is taking on street rehabilitation work around the Public Safety Building, converting B and C Streets to two-way operations and we are installing conduit and fiber underground to strengthen the communication infrastructure in order to improve the operation of traffic signals. Work is … Continued

Pedestrian Walkway Cleanup

The Parks Dept did quite the clean up along the pedestrian walkway next to Spinnaker II. Shrubs and groundcover were pruned, and garbage and weeds were removed from the area as well. Several of the neighbors called or sent messages thanking the staff for their hard work, willingness to address requests, and their general great … Continued

Graffiti Abatement: Puerto Suello Bike Path

For the last few months acts of graffiti have slowed down. However, tagging is still an ongoing issue that our Streets Division must tackle.  Our “eye on the path” City Manager Jim Schutz, reported some very offensive graffiti and Tyler Nord and Gabe Dias immediately addressed it with a fresh coat of paint. Though we … Continued

Homeless Camp Cleanup

Homeless camps are never fun to cleanup for anyone, but our DPW Streets crews assisted the San Rafael PD with this task. Sometimes the location of these sites is not the easiest to get to, but Tyler Nord, Brendan Smith, and Gabe Dias made the challenging trek and cleaned out 2 campsites. One campsite was … Continued

Fresh Paint: Las Gallinas -Lucas Valley to Montevideo

The Streets Division’s paint crew has been trying to catch up with maintenance upkeep in the Terra Linda neighborhoods. Trevor Thomas and Matt Von Bima were hard at work repainting all the crosswalks, stops, limit lines, turn arrows and many more. The duo painted for three (3) days to help make the traffic markings for … Continued

New Hybrid Patrol Vehicles

DPW garage staff and PD just put the last of three recently purchased Hybrid Patrol vehicles into service. These new hybrid models are expected to save up to 30% on fuel costs per vehicle and are better for the environment.

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