Category: Public Works

Third Street and Hetherton Street Intersection Improvements

In a project managed by Junior Engineer Shawn Graf, the City’s contractor Ghilotti Bros., Inc. and their electric subcontractor, Columbia Electric, are replacing the traffic signal poles in the intersection for the new configuration of the crosswalks.    

Public Safety Center – Contractor Achieves Completion

We are very excited to announce that the Public Safety Center Project has achieved substantial completion. On July 1st, the last items required to operate the facility were substantially completed by the contractor, Alten Construction. The surveillance cameras and building security, as well as the heating and air conditioning systems were commissioned and finalized. The … Continued

Shout out to the Facilities Team! – Public Safety Center

Big thanks to our DPW facilities team led by Supervisor Omar Garcia, and his crew Michael Reiser and Anthoney Heaven for their hard work and positive, can-do attitude! The Public Safety Center Project is complete but miscellaneous additions continue to come up to make the building and its surroundings safe and 100% ready for occupancy. … Continued

Sharing is Caring!

Starting this month, Pubic Works Admin employees Erika Spencer (Administrative Assistant II) and Iman Kayani (Administrative Analyst) will be taking on new duties with other departments. Anne Derrick of Community Development will be retiring at the end of the month, and with the hiring freeze, a replacement won’t be made for some time. To assist … Continued

DPW Shout Out!

Huge Thank you to Matt Von Bima and Trevor Thomas! These two have a combined work experience of over 20+ years working for the City of San Rafael. Recently, these two took on the task of painting seven (7) crosswalk intersections, stop legends, many directional arrows, and 22 bike lane symbols on Las Gallinas Ave – … Continued

Safety First: Temporary railing at Public Safety Center

As our Facility staff were inspecting the Public Safety Center, they found two safety risks. They wanted to tackle these issues immediately before anyone got hurt! On the backside of the building, there was a 4 foot drop with no indication of elevation change. We installed temporary railing to ensure safety of our staff and … Continued

Sidewalk Repair Program Slowed but not Stopped

The Sidewalk Repair Program, like most construction in the State stopped and took a pause in March and April. With the amendments to the Shelter in Place order allowing construction to resume, the City and contractor, Van Midde and Son concrete have slowly started repairing sidewalk again. Additional protective and preventative measures are being taken … Continued

Temporary Outdoor Dining & Retail Permits

We are partnering with the San Rafael Chamber of Commerce and Downtown Business Improvement District to support our incredible business community as best as possible. Starting next week, the latest Marin County Public Health order will allow outdoor dining and retail based on the following guidelines: Guidelines for retail Guidelines for restaurants To facilitate outdoor dining … Continued

Increased Illegal Dumping Activity

With Shelter in Place, there has been a surge in illegal dumping around the City. Maintenance crews have been busy responding and notify adjacent property owners accordingly. The issue has been particularly worrisome as there are more people out than ever using sidewalks for their Shelter-in-Place walks – and they do not want to have … Continued

Traffic Data

The Shelter-in-Place order has been in effect for two months now. The State has issued a four-phase plan for counties and cities for businesses to reopen especially the ones that can operate outdoors like car washes, golf courses, constructions, etc. In San Rafael, the impact of the modified restrictions showed a slight increase in traffic.  … Continued

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