Category: Public Works

Traffic Signal Battery Back-Up System (BBS) Installed

The City is one step closer in securing battery back-up (BBS) units at signalized intersections along major arterials. After selecting the equipment last year, Public Works recently procured three units and tested them in real conditions. The test at Second Street at Lindaro Street, Third Street at Lindaro Street, and Andersen Drive at Bellam Boulevard … Continued

Notice of Construction on 5th Avenue

San Rafael’s new Public Safety Center (PSC) is nearing completion and we plan to open this summer. The contractor, Alten Construction, is working on the sidewalks around the building and a sidewalk “bulb-out” is required to create a safer crosswalk between the City Hall and the new PSC. In order to accomplish that work, the … Continued

Public Works Development Review of Building Permits

In 2019, the Department of Public Works completed reviews for approximately twice as many building permits than in 2017 and 2018. The increase in demand was accommodated by existing staff working with applicants directly whenever possible to ensure that projects met the necessary standards. We also provided positive recommendations on improvements. Even though there were … Continued

New All Way Stop at Park Street and Belle Avenue

Up until last week, the intersection of Park Street and Belle Avenue was a two-way stop controlled on Park Street. The Traffic Engineering Division determined that an All Way Stop was warranted at the intersection, so Public Works maintenance crews freshened up the paint on the intersections and added STOP signs to Belle Avenue. Notifications … Continued

Sidewalk Repair Program Shifting from Gerstle Park to East San Rafael

The Sidewalk Repair Program is nearly complete for residents who signed up for the 2018 program in the Gerstle Park and the Bret Harte neighborhoods. The last of the nearly 90 properties will completed in the next two weeks. 13,000 square feet of new sidewalk were poured during this round, which would be enough to … Continued

New Donation Signage Downtown

In collaboration with Andrew Hening and PD, Public Works installed new signage encouraging residents to donate to local charities and nonprofits that offer services for the homeless, rather than donating to panhandlers. The Marin IJ covered this story, as well!

Public Safety Center – Interior Finishing Touches

Construction of the Public Safety Center continues to progress. The exterior brick installation is well underway, despite the recent rainstorm. The City’s contractor, Alten Construction, is currently working on the interior finishes. Painting of the interior walls, as well as, installation of T-bar ceilings and lighting is around 90% complete. In addition, the first and … Continued

Winter Maintenance – Fixing Old Drainage Pipes and Rebuilding Guard Rail

With the recent break in the rainy weather, Public Works Streets and Parks crews have been able to get a jump on some much-needed maintenance, including the City storm drain systems on Gold Hill Grade and Main Drive. City crews removed deteriorating metal drainage pipes in both locations and replaced it with high density plastic … Continued

New Bike Racks Downtown

Ever biked to the San Rafael Theater and had nowhere to lock your treasured two-wheeled steed? Well, that should no longer be an issue because Public Works has been busy installing 20 additional bike racks downtown! There are at least four racks per block of Fourth Street, from Lincoln Avenue to D Street. Additionally, Public … Continued

Francisco Blvd East Sidewalk – Approved by State Transportation Commission

The project was presented to the California Transportation Commission on December 5th and was approved for federal funding allocation.  Once we receive clearance from Caltrans to proceed with the project, we will be advertising for bids, which is anticipated by mid-January 2020.  The project is on schedule with a proposed construction start time of early summer … Continued

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