City Hall and other offices will be closed to the public from December 23 to January 3, but appointments are available upon request. Public safety and emergency services remain available 24/7.
Parks Division has been busy assisting the Streets Division with winter prep as well as handling many other projects. Along with trying to keep up with the autumn/winter leaf fall in the parks, they recently did some restoration work to the Pickleweed field. This included aerating, fertilizing, seeding, top dressing and dragging. In the photo … Continued
Replacement of the Pickleweed Park play structures is on schedule. By the end of this week, both playground areas at Pickleweed Park will have been filled with engineered wood fiber. This will provide a safe, impact-cushioned play surface. On the week of June 24th, the contractor will be working on adding the final touches, including … Continued
On May 28th, Community Playgrounds Inc. began work on the installation of our new playground structures at Pickleweed Park. We see the excitement of the community with several residents stopping by the site to ask questions, reading the posted multi-language banners, and some even bringing their children to watch the construction. The structures themselves should … Continued
Public Works has received the new playground equipment for Pickleweed Park. The purchase of the equipment was funded by a Community Development Block Grant administered by Marin County. DPW is obtaining the services of a certified playground installer as well as a specialty firm to install the equipment and engineered wood fiber surface. The playground … Continued
Over the past several weeks, our Public Works staff made presentations to the Pickleweed Advisory Board and Parks & Recreation Commission to discuss options for new playground structures at Pickleweed Park and to gather additional feedback from the community. The Pickleweed Advisory Board and the Parks & Recreation Commission were both pleased with the proposed … Continued
Over the last couple of weeks, Theo Sanchez & Kevin McGowan of the Public Works Department have made presentations for the Pickleweed Advisory Board Committee and Parks & Recreation Commission to discuss the potential playground structures and gather additional feedback from the community. The Advisory Board and the Parks & Recreation Commission were both pleased … Continued
The San Rafael Department of Public Works, in collaboration with the San Rafael Community Services Department, is looking for your input regarding the replacement of the current play structures at Pickleweed Park. Surveys are available in both English and Spanish and will be open through February 21. Take the survey in English or Spanish.
The City received a federal grant for the replacement of playground structures at Pickleweed Park. The project will remove the existing swings, slides, accessory structures, & sand which have been there for some 20 years and replace them with brand new structures & fill the play area with engineered wood fiber. We have conducted online … Continued
The San Rafael Department of Public Works is in collaboration with San Rafael Community Services Department to replace the play structures at Pickleweed Park and we’re looking for feedback from the community. Please help spread the word; residents are encouraged and welcome to attend the Pickleweed Advisory Board Community Meeting next Wednesday, February 6 from 7:00 p.m.-8:30 p.m. Those who cannot attend can view and vote for their favorite play structure designs online. … Continued