City Hall and other offices will be closed to the public from December 23 to January 3, but appointments are available upon request. Public safety and emergency services remain available 24/7.  

Category: Sidewalk News

Sidewalk Repair Program Nearly Half Way Complete in East San Rafael

The Sidewalk Repair Program continues to make good progress in East San Rafael. The City and contractor have completed nearly 50 of the 110 properties signed up in the area. Green dots in the image above represent completed projects with blue dots to be completed.  An impressive 42 properties on Riviera Drive alone have signed … Continued

Sidewalk Repair Program Resumes Full Work Schedule

The Sidewalk Repair Program resumed work in East San Rafael in early June. Since then, the City’s contractor, Van Midde and Son Concrete have completed sidewalks at another 30 locations on San Marino and Riviera Dr with an additional 70 properties scheduled in the neighborhood. Work will continue on Riviera Dr and start heading back … Continued

Sidewalk Repair Program resumes work in East San Rafael

The Sidewalk Repair Program resumed work in East San Rafael in early June. Since then, the City’s contractor, Van Midde and Son Concrete have completed sidewalks at another 20 locations on San Marino and Riviera Dr with an additional 50 properties scheduled in the neighborhood. Work on Riviera Dr. will continue and will start heading … Continued

Sidewalk Repair Program Slowed but not Stopped

The Sidewalk Repair Program, like most construction in the State stopped and took a pause in March and April. With the amendments to the Shelter in Place order allowing construction to resume, the City and contractor, Van Midde and Son concrete have slowly started repairing sidewalk again. Additional protective and preventative measures are being taken … Continued

Sidewalk Repair Program Shifting from Gerstle Park to East San Rafael

The Sidewalk Repair Program is nearly complete for residents who signed up for the 2018 program in the Gerstle Park and the Bret Harte neighborhoods. The last of the nearly 90 properties will completed in the next two weeks. 13,000 square feet of new sidewalk were poured during this round, which would be enough to … Continued

Sidewalk Repair 2019 Year-end Update

As we cross the one year anniversary of the commencement of the Sidewalk Repair Program I want to take the time to let you know where we stand and how we intend to move forward. Some of you signed up for the 2018 program and already have contracts in hand, others are part of the … Continued

2018 Sidewalk Repair Program 50% complete and 2019 Update

2018 Program The City along with Van Midde and Son Concrete hit an important milestone last week.  More than 50% of the scheduled work for the 2018 program has now been completed. This represents over 16,500 square feet of new sidewalk in the city. That’s over 30 cement trucks worth of concrete weighting the equivalent … Continued

Gerstle Park Sidewalk Repair Update!

The City and Van Midde & Son Concrete have been busy replacing sidewalk in Gerstle Park. In the past month, work has been completed on Ross, Marin, Bayview, and Clorinda Avenue. Nearly 1,700 square feet of new sidewalk has been installed covering about 350 feet of sidewalk. Sections of San Rafael Avenue and D Street … Continued

SRP Update: Work in Gerstle Park Continues

Work in Gerstle Park continues with the City completing the longest continuous stretch of new sidewalk yet at over 250 feet. In addition, two new ADA compliant curb ramps were installed next to Short Elementary School. These new curb ramps include the yellow dots which are called “raised truncated domes.”  Work is anticipated to be … Continued

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