Category: Sidewalk News

9/29/17 – Sidewalk Maintenance & Liability

Did you know there are over 275 miles of sidewalk in San Rafael? After significant work with neighborhoods and property owners, the City Council will consider a sidewalk maintenance and liability ordinance at their meeting on Monday evening, at 7 p.m.  The proposed program clarifies the responsibility for performing and funding maintenance as well as … Continued

6/16/17 – Sidewalks in San Rafael

At their 7 p.m. meeting on Monday evening, the City Council will hear an informational report about a proposed plan for ensuring sidewalks in San Rafael are well-maintained. We’ve researched how other communities have addressed sidewalk repair and will be presenting recommendations on next steps: including the the potential adoption of an ordinance and a … Continued

2/3/17 – Sidewalk Maintenance

Over the last several months, our Public Works Department has worked with a number of neighborhoods to collaborate on an approach to sidewalk and tree maintenance. On Monday evening, the City Council will consider pursuing a shared sidewalk and tree maintenance program whereby the City matches the funding provided by the adjacent property owner up … Continued

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