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Category: Southern Heights Bridge

Southern Heights Bridge replacement project wins in 3 categories of Engineering News – Record California’s 2022 Best Projects Competition

The Southern Heights Bridge Replacement project, which was completed in January 2022, has won in 3 different categories of Engineering News-Record’s (ENR) 2022 Best Projects competition. The City’s project won the following: Best Highway/Bridge Project Excellence of Sustainability Award – Northern California, Excellence in Safety Award – Northern California, Award of Merit Almost 100 projects … Continued

Southern Heights Bridge Replacement: Approaching completion

Project completion is fast approaching for the Southern Heights Bridge Replacement construction project with all the major components now in place. Minor items such as paving, bridge lighting, tree planting, street fencing, and other items have also been recently completed. This will be a major milestone for a project that has been in the works … Continued

Southern Heights Bridge replacement – Construction update

We’re approaching the tail end of the Southern Height Bridge Replacement construction project that started in December 2020. The primary bridge structure has been completed but several items of work remain including timber fencing, paving, bridge lighting, new road signage, and other items. As part of the project, several eucalyptus trees were cut to a … Continued

Southern Heights Blvd Bridge replacement project update

Recent work on the Southern Heights Bridge project has focused on the bridge railing. The City has been coordinating with PG&E for the installation of bridge lighting consisting of 13 LED lights that will be mounted along the middle of the railing. Several items of work remain including the construction of the approach slabs, paving, … Continued

Southern Heights Bridge project update

The final product is starting to take shape on the Southern Heights Bridge project as the bridge deck was successfully poured on July 1st. There is still plenty of work remaining including installation of the bridge railing, construction of the approach slabs, paving, hydroseeding, bridge lighting, and many smaller items.  The City is working with … Continued

Southern Heights Bridge replacement project update

After completing the two concrete bridge columns, the contractor has been working on setting up the supports (also known as falsework) needed to construct the bridge deck. Additionally, the outer walls of the two abutments at both ends of the bridge have been completed. In the coming weeks, the contractor will be focusing on finishing … Continued

Southern Heights Blvd Bridge replacement project update

After almost 11 weeks, the old timbre bridge has been totally removed and work has begun on the foundation of the new concrete bridge. The last couple of weeks have been spent drilling the six holes where the concrete CIDH (cast-in-drilled-hole) piles will be constructed. These piles will support the bridge columns and abutments. Some … Continued

Notice of Construction Activities Starting February 22, 2021- Southern Heights Bridge

Starting next week, the City’s contractor, Substrate, Inc. will begin drilling foundation piles for the Southern Heights Bridge Replacement project. This operation will be loud and residents may experience some minor vibration. There will be monitors in place for both sound and vibration. Construction occurs Monday through Friday from 7am to 5pm. For more information … Continued

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