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Category: Southern Heights Bridge

Southern Heights Bridge Project moves closer to construction

The Southern Heights Bridge replacement project, a fully state-funded project, is moving closer to construction. The City recently selected a firm to lead construction management for the complicated project and will be seeking Council approval on August 3rd for the $425,000 professional services contract. AT&T also recently moved their lines away from the bridge, readying … Continued

Southern Heights Bridge Utility Work Underway

For over one year, City staff and the design team have coordinated with impacted utilities on the Southern Heights Bridge replacement project. In late October, PG&E gas crews began the process of installing a new gas main on both approaches to the bridge and deactivating the gas line currently attached to the old bridge. Work … Continued

Southern Heights: Project Design

On Monday, April 15th, the City Council approved seven temporary construction easements associated with renting private property. The project design continues to advance toward completion, which we anticipate by June 2019. The design team continues to coordinate with several private utility companies regarding the relocation of one wood utility pole as well as the installation … Continued

1/25/2019 – Southern Heights Bridge Update

Recently, the City has been working closely with Caltrans to complete the environmental review process and Caltrans has approved full funding for the construction of the Southern Heights Bridge. In addition, the City has been collaborating with seven of the surrounding residents to obtain temporary construction easements. The Southern Heights Bridge project will go before … Continued

Southern Heights Bridge Closure

This morning, December 28, 2017, the City received notice from Caltrans bridge inspection staff that the existing Southern Heights Bridge should be closed effective immediately due to structural safety concerns. As a result, we’ve closed the bridge and installed detour signage. The City is currently working with a bridge consultant to design a new concrete … Continued

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