Construction began on October 6th for the Bungalow Ave and Woodland Ave Resurfacing Project. Thank you to our neighbors for your patience as improvements are continually made. Currently Ghilotti Bros Inc. is working on curb ramps all along Woodland Ave and a sidewalk gap closure on Bungalow Ave. Over the next few weeks, weather permitting, … Continued
On Monday September 20th, the City Council approved the award of the Francisco Blvd East Resurfacing project to Ghilotti Construction Company, Inc. who was the lowest responsive and responsible bidder for the project. Construction is anticipated to begin in Mid-October 2021 and is expected to have a duration of 15 working days. This project is … Continued
On Monday September 13th, the City Council approved the award of the Bungalow and Woodland Avenue Resurfacing project to Ghilotti Bros, Inc. who was the lowest responsive and responsible bidder for the project. Construction is anticipated to begin in October 2021 and is expected to have a duration of 40 working days. The pavement resurfacing … Continued
The Department of Public Works will be resurfacing Bungalow Avenue from Woodland Avenue to La Loma Court late September. These improvements are part of the City’s Street Resurfacing and are funded through gas tax. Our project will follow the Sanitation District’s (SRSD) sewer main replacement project along Woodland Ave. Their project has begun and will … Continued
The Department of Public Works (DPW) will be resurfacing Bungalow Avenue from Woodland Avenue to La Loma Court late September. These improvements are part of the City’s Street Resurfacing and are funded through the gas tax fund. DPW’s project will follow the Sanitation District’s (SRSD) project. SRSD is replacing their sewer main along Woodland Ave. … Continued
The City of San Rafael’s annual street resurfacing program has seen a significant loss in revenue throughout the Covid-19 pandemic. The City’s streets are maintained with gas tax revenue and with the large drop in gas sales statewide, the City’s gas tax revenue has also proportionately dropped. Even with this dramatic drop in revenue, the … Continued
Paving operations will resume today, October 31, on Hoag Street. Canal Street is scheduled to be resurfaced from tomorrow, November 1 to Wednesday, November 6. Please make sure you observe all temporary parking restrictions during construction.
Paving operations are currently suspended due to the power outage. Operations may resume on Thursday, November 11. Updates will be posted on Nextdoor and the City’s website.
The City’s contractor, Ghilotti Bros., Inc., has placed over 2,700 tons of hot mix asphalt in the last month as part of the City’s CIP Street Resurfacing project. That’s almost 150 truckloads of asphalt! They are off to a great start with 5,500 tons left to pave this year. Next week, Ghilotti Bros. will grind … Continued
The City’s contractors will begin resurfacing work tomorrow, 10/23 on Villa Ave. from Grand Ave. to the NB 101 onramp. Work will continue from 7 AM to 5 PM through Thursday and potentially into Friday. Both directions of travel will remain open during the construction hours, though crews will be directing one direction at a … Continued