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Category: Homeless Initiatives

Marin’s 1st Annual Community Job Fair

According to the 2017 Homeless Point-in-Time Count, of the 1,100 people experiencing homelessness in Marin, only 15% were employed.  Despite this very low rate of employment, of the people who were unemployed, only 23% reported being unable to work.  Therefore, there is a tremendous opportunity to help people experiencing homelessness in Marin reenter the workforce.   … Continued

Getting to Know: Sgt. Scott Eberle

For almost three years the City of San Rafael’s Police Department has had a dedicated “Downtown Foot Patrol” made up of three sworn officers, one civilian homeless outreach provider, and a supervisor.  The Downtown Foot Patrol’s primary mission is to work with the community to improve quality of life issues. Sergeant Scott Eberle currently supervises … Continued

2017 Year-in-Review

In 2017 the City of San Rafael and our partners took major, concrete steps towards ending homelessness and improving the quality of life in our community.    To start off the year, on January 27th almost 100 community volunteers were deployed across the entire county for the bi-annual Homeless Point-in-Time Count.  The results were mixed – … Continued

Novato Approves Mobile Showers

On Tuesday night, in a 5-0 vote, the City of Novato approved two pilot locations for the Marin Mobile Care mobile shower program.  This is a huge step towards increasing countywide access to basic hygiene services while simultaneously connecting people with the new Coordinated Entry system for housing.  We thank the City of Novato for … Continued

Coordinated Entry is Working

Effective October 1st, the County of Marin – working in partnership with local providers and the City of San Rafael – officially launched Coordinated Entry.  Coordinated Entry is our new strategic framework for ending chronic homelessness.  As a quick reminder, the strategy is:         People with lower scores are still being served … Continued

Launching Mobile Showers in Marin

Based on the 2017 Homeless Point-in-Time Count, there are approximately 1,100 people experiencing homeless in Marin County.  Over 70% of Marin’s homeless community resides outside of San Rafael.  In an effort to simultaneously reach people outside of San Rafael, de-concentration services in Downtown San Rafael, and get people plugged into the County of Marin’s new … Continued

Putting Our Chronic Homelessness Strategy into Action

It’s one thing to have a strategy, it’s another to implement it.  Over the past three newsletters you have learned about the three step approach communities across the country are using to end chronic homelessness.  Over the past year the City of San Rafael, the County of Marin and our local service providers have been working … Continued

Step 3 to Ending Chronic Homelessness

Over the past year the County of Marin, local service providers, and the City of San Rafael have begun adopting a dramatically new strategy for ending chronic homelessness.  This new approach is called “Coordinated Entry,” and it has been pioneered, vetted, and proven successful in communities around the country. This is Part 3 of a three-part series breaking down … Continued

The 2017 Point-in-Time Count

On a chilly, pre-dawn morning back on January 27th, almost 100 community volunteers fanned out across the entire county to participate in Marin’s 2017 Homeless Point-in-Time Count (PIT).  The Department of Housing and Urban Development requires communities across the country to complete a PIT every two years at the end of January. Read more about the PIT … Continued

Step 2 to Ending Chronic Homelessness

Over the past year the County of Marin, local service providers, and the City of San Rafael have begun adopting a dramatically new strategy for ending chronic homelessness.  This new approach is called “Coordinated Entry,” and it has been pioneered, vetted, and proven successful in communities around the country. This is Part 2 of a three-part … Continued

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