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Category: Homeless Initiatives

Step 1 to Ending Chronic Homelessness

Over the past year the County of Marin, local service providers, and the City of San Rafael have begun adopting a dramatically new strategy for ending chronic homelessness.  This new approach is called “Coordinated Entry,” and it has been pioneered, vetted, and proven successful in communities around the country. This is Part 1 of a … Continued

Stay up-to-date on Homelessness Efforts

Homelessness and affordable housing are among the community’s top concerns.  The City – working in partnership with the County of Marin, local service providers, and the private sector – has been making significant strides on these issues, and we would love to keep you updated on our progress. Subscribe to our updates.

What Is Chronic Homelessness?

“For 80% of people who become homeless, homelessness is a one-time experience lasting less than 1 month.” – Iain De Jong To truly solve homelessness, we have to make sure we’re addressing the right problems.  Looking at other communities across the country, including in our own backyard, it is clear that a new thesis of the … Continued

2016: A Year in Review

On March 7th, I will have officially been the City’s Director of Homeless Planning & Outreach for one year (it’s been a great honor, thank you!).  Later this spring our community will be receiving the results from our 2017 Homeless Point-in-Time Count, which is one of the best benchmarks we have for assessing whether or … Continued

The 2017 Homeless Point-in-Time Count

The Homeless Point-in-Time Count (PIT) is one of the most important opportunities we have to determine whether or not we’re making progress to end homelessness. The PIT only happens once every two years. The next one is coming up on January 27, 2017. We need your help!! Volunteer for the 2017 Count! (no prior experience necessary) … Continued

The 5 Local Approaches to Homelessness

Last time we looked at some of the major economic, social, and political factors that have contributed to “modern homelessness.”  While we have the benefit of hindsight to evaluate these national trends, there’s sadly not a lot that we can do locally to affect them (you can of course share your thoughts with our congressperson).  … Continued

The History of Modern Homelessness

Did Homelessness Start in 1982?  Homelessness – or a lack of a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence – has of course existed for a very long time.  Thinking just about the United States, in the 19th century tens of thousands of people experienced homelessness as cities (and the country itself) rapidly grew and urbanized. … Continued

A Win-Win Solution for Panhandling

  For the past six months the City has been working with Downtown Streets Team, as well as community members Paula Doubleday, Diane Doubleday, Carol Thompson, Kelly London, and Rich Goldstein, on a creative way to address panhandling.  When we first set out, we landed on a simple but critical insight – people panhandle because … Continued

Get to Know: Colin McDonnell

As we continue to find new ways for the City, the County of Marin, our services providers, and our community members to come together to address homelessness (check out the Marin Voice article this week highlighting the positive impacts of collaboration), I think it is important to remember that at the end of the day, … Continued

Get to Know: Danielle O’Leary

As we continue to work to end homelessness in San Rafael, it is critical that we simultaneously create lively and active public spaces filled with residents, visitors, businesses, and customers.  In July of 2016 the City welcomed aboard Danielle O’Leary as our new Director of Economic Development and Innovation to help achieve that goal.  Danielle brings:   … Continued

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