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Category: City News

Council Economic Development Sub-Committee receives update on Economic Development Strategic Plan Policy and Program Recommendations from Kosmont Companies

Council Economic Development Sub-Committee receives update on Economic Development Strategic Plan Policy and Program Recommendations from Kosmont Companies April 13, 2023, the Council Economic Development Subcommittee received a briefing from Kosmont Companies on the Economic Strategic Plan draft policy and program recommendations. This presentation was a follow-up to the initial presentation made by Kosmont Companies … Continued

News Release: City of San Rafael to Name City Manager Cristine Alilovich

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE April 13, 2023   City of San Rafael to Name City Manager Cristine Alilovich The City Council has unanimously selected Assistant City Manager Cristine Alilovich as the next City Manager and will vote on her employment agreement at its meeting on April 17, 2023. Alilovich’s contract, which will begin June 1, 2023, … Continued

2023 Affordable Housing NOFA – Released

Notice Of Funding Availability For the Acquisition/Rehabilitation or New Development of Affordable Rental or Ownership Housing NOFA ISSUED: 4/10/2023 RESPONSES DUE: 5/15/2023 at 5:00 pm Pacific Time The City of San Rafael announces the availability of one million four hundred thousand dollars ($1,400,000) in funding available for the construction or the preservation of permanently affordable rental … Continued

Night work notification – Central San Rafael exit (NB 101) – 4/11/2023

The California Department of Transportation (CalTRans) designated contractor is scheduled to install permanent thermoplastic pavement paint at the Central San Rafael exit (NB 101) on April 11, 2023, from 11 p.m. until 6 a.m. The offramp will be closed during this time. In addition, CalTrans designated contactor will close two lanes on the Second Street … Continued

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