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Category: City News

Upcoming Weather Alert!

This week’s upcoming weather forecast is expecting rainfall from tonight till tomorrow morning, with additional rain through the weekend. On top of that, freezing temperatures are also expected. Please stay safe and review the following material to remain well informed. Check out for more information.

Vacancies on San Rafael Boards and Commissions!

The City Clerk’s office is currently recruiting to fill upcoming vacancies on our boards and commissions. Community members can apply online to serve on our boards and commissions, and more information and eligibility requirements are as follows: Planning Commission Board Description: The Planning Commission consists of citizen volunteers appointed by the City Council to make … Continued

News Release: San Rafael Hires New Director of Economic Development and Innovation

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE San Rafael Hires New Director of Digital Service and Open Government San Rafael, CA – Following a nationwide search, the City of San Rafael is pleased to announce Micah Hinkle as the new Director of Economic Development and Innovation, effective November 28, 2022. Micah brings twenty-two years of municipal government experience, including … Continued

Third Street Improvement Project – 11/23/2022 weekly update

The City of San Rafael will be sending out weekly project updates with construction updates, traffic closure updates, and other relevant information for this project. To receive these updates, please sign up using the form at the left-hand side of the project website. THIS WEEK (November 21 – November 23): No work will be performed … Continued

Evacuation Route Vegetation Clearance Beginning November 28th, 2022

The San Rafael Fire Department will be conducting vegetation work in San Rafael along public roads and right of ways as a part of an MWPA-funded Evacuation Route Project. The City of San Rafael is part of the Marin Wildfire Prevention Authority (MWPA). In 2020, Marin County voters passed special tax Measure C, which established a … Continued

Winner of ELGL’s Best Places to Work in Local Government!

Each year, the Engaging Local Government Leaders (ELGL) network recognizes the best places to work in local government. This annual award recognizes the local governments that have developed, cultivated, and nurtured workplaces that encourage employee creativity, loyalty, and success. San Rafael has been named winner of ELGL’s 2022 Best Places to work in Local Government. … Continued

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