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Category: City News


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CITY OF SAN RAFAEL CITY MANAGER ANNOUNCES RETIREMENT SAN RAFAEL, CA- Last week, San Rafael City Manager Jim Schutz announced his retirement from the City of San Rafael, effective July 2023. Upon his retirement, Schutz will have worked for the City for more than 16 years and will have held the City … Continued


SAN RAFAEL SHADED FUEL BREAK SITE VISIT Please join us for a field trip hosted by ESP to a shaded fuel break completed by San Rafael Fire Department in collaboration with MWPA. This project includes removal of invasive broom and acacia in the open space between Greenwood Ave & Upper Toyon Drive. Location: City-owned open … Continued

Apply to serve on the Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee!

Community members can apply online to serve on our boards and commissions, and more information and eligibility requirements are as follows: Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee Board Description:  The goal of the Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee (BPAC) is to promote bicycling and walking as viable means of transportation throughout San Rafael; to provide conceptual … Continued

Fire Road Fuel Reduction in China Camp State Park Beginning on October 5th, 2022

Starting October 5th, 2022, the San Rafael Fire Department, in collaboration with California State Parks and Marin County Fire Department will begin vegetation management along fire roads in China Camp State Park. The work will remove invasive weeds, grasses, shrubs, dead woody vegetation, and some small diameter trees along the road edge to reduce wildfire … Continued

Third Street Improvement Project – 9/30/2022 weekly update

The City of San Rafael will be sending out weekly project updates with construction updates, traffic closure updates, and other relevant information for this project. To receive these updates, please sign up using the form at the left-hand side of the project website. THIS WEEK (September 26 – 30): Construction Crews replaced sidewalk sections at … Continued

Installation Scheduled for Parking Boxes and Additional Signage

Parking clarifications in the Dominican, Gerstle Park, Fair Hills, and West End Neighborhoods are scheduled for installation starting the 2nd week in October. Painted curbs, new signage, and parking boxes will help offer a clear indication of where it is safe to park and still allow safe resident emergency evacuation and access for emergency vehicles. … Continued

The Great Shakeout – October 20, 2022

Let’s prepare for an earthquake by participating in the Great Shakeout on October 20th at 10:20 am! Register at to be counted. For more details, please check out the flyer below.  

News Release: San Rafael Hires New Director of Digital Service and Open Government

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE   Jim Schutz City Manager 415-485-3070   San Rafael Hires New Director of Digital Service and Open Government San Rafael, CA – Following a nationwide search, the City of San Rafael is pleased to announce Sean Mooney as the new Director of Digital Service and Open Government effective September 16, 2022. … Continued

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