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Category: City News

News Release: San Rafael Public Libraries to Receive $2 Million in State Building Forward Grants

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE September 15, 2022     Contacts: Catherine Quffa Library & Recreation Director (415) 485-3078 Henry Bankhead Assistant Library & Recreation Director/City Librarian (415) 485-3436   San Rafael Public Libraries to Receive $2 Million in State Building Forward Grants The California State Library recently announced that the San Rafael Public Libraries … Continued

News Release: A Message from the City

For Immediate Release The City of San Rafael’s elected City Attorney, Rob Epstein, addressed the audience at Tuesday night’s City Council meeting, following hours of public comment from community members expressing their concerns about a recent police use of force incident. During his remarks, which you view at the link below, Epstein made clear that … Continued

Third Street Improvement Project – 9/9/2022 weekly update

The City of San Rafael will be sending out weekly project updates with construction updates, traffic closure updates, and other relevant information for this project. To receive these updates, please sign up using the form at the left-hand side of the project website. THIS WEEK (September 6 – 9): No work will be performed on … Continued

Third Street Improvement Project – 9/2/2022 weekly update

The City of San Rafael will be sending out weekly project updates with construction updates, traffic closure updates, and other relevant information for this project. To receive these updates, please sign up using the form at the left-hand side of the project website. THIS WEEK (August 29 – September 2): Nightwork: Crews completed installing new … Continued

Excessive Heat Warning

The Excessive Heat Warning from the National Weather Service (NWS) has been extended to continue until Thursday. Temperatures in the mid to high 90s are likely, with only some reprieve overnight. In addition, daily Flex Alerts continue to be issued by California ISO.  Flex alerts are issued to encourage the conservation of energy in order to reduce the need … Continued

Labor Day Weekend Heat Wave

Marin County, including the City of San Rafael, has received an Excessive Heat Warning from the National Weather Service (NWS) for this upcoming holiday weekend. While forecasts may continue to change, temperatures in the mid to high 90s are likely. In addition, a Flex Alert was issued by California ISO for Wednesday 8/31. Additional flex … Continued

Dominican Black Canyon Neighborhood Association Summer Scoop on August 27th

Interested in speaking to San Rafael Fire Department staff  and Fire Wise Committee members about how mitigate wildfire risk? Join the Dominican Fire Wise Committee  and the San Rafael Fire Department at Dominican Black Canyon Neighborhood Summer Scoop event on Saturday, August 27th from 2 PM to 4 PM at Trinity Community Church at 1675 … Continued

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